DX LISTENING DIGEST 8-046, April 12, 2008 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2008 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn NEXT SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1403 Sun 0230 WWCR3 5070 Sun 0630 WWCR1 3215 Sun 0800 WRMI 9955 Sun 1515 WRMI 9955 Mon 0300 WBCQ 9330-CLSB [irregular] Mon 0415 WBCQ 7415 [time varies] Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Tue 1530 WRMI 9955 Wed 1130 WRMI 9955 Wed 2300 WBCQ 15420-CUSB [NEW, but returned to 17495-CUSB] Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS VIA WRN NOW AVAILABLE: http://www.wrn.org/listeners/stations/podcast.php OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org ** AFGHANISTAN. Re: Radio Solh, 6700, 1300-1400 UT --- Hi Aslam, Thank you for your observation. The signal here in Finland is usually too poor for any clear recordings; they were much better when they used higher frequency and not on the same channel. Sometimes like today there is only one station on the frequency. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, April 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANGOLA. 1196.68 | Emissora Provincial de Malanje, Malanje, APR 8 at 2307 - a bit of talk from this and a fat het-growl against 1197.0 Spain, UK, etc. (Mark Connelly, WA1ION, Rockport, MA, USA, (GC= 42.667 N / 70.621 W) (= 42Â 40' N / 70Â 37' W), (Granite Pier) site-related info at http://home.comcast.net/~dx_lab/dx_clams_2005.htm Receiver: Drake R8A, Phasing Unit: DXP-6A, Antennas: cardioid array on roof of car = Vertical: 3.7 m whip (MFJ-1956) to 81:1 xfmr to DX Engineering RPA-1, amp + Loop: Micro-SuperLoop, square, 2 m per side, with 16:1 xfmr to DX Engineering RPA-1 amp on east bottom corner and 5K potentiometer on west corner, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. [Or should we say, JAPAN non?]. HOY VUELVE LA ROSA DE TOKYO --- "La Rosa de Tokyo", el programa de comunicaciones y diexismo de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata, Argentina, vuelve al aire en nuevo día y horario de transmisión. Saldrá todos los sábados a las 23:00 LU (domingos 0200 UT).- Hoy se irradiará el primer programa del nuevo ciclo y el mismo se dedicará a analizar la radiodifusión en onda corta en Serbia, poniendo especial atención en revisar el pasado, presente y futuro de la Radio Internacional de Serbia (ex Radio Yugoeslavia) .- Habrá columnistas especiales y entrevistas imperdibles, además de ejemplos sonoros y archivos históricos invalorables. "La Rosa de Tokyo" puede ser escuchada en los 1270 Khz de la amplitud modulada, desde la página web de la emisora, en http://www.amprovincia.com.ar/ y también se lo puede sintonizar los días subsiguientes en http://programasdx4.podomatic.com/ El Grupo Radioescucha Argentino estará presente habitualmente en el programa con sus columnistas Rubén Guillermo Margenet y Arnaldo Leonel Slaen. Cordiales saludos (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, April 12, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) And presumably also at the usual times on WRMI 9955 and webcast, but maybe delayed episodes? (gh, DXLD) Este programa y los subsiguientes se podrán escuchar en la página de Programas DX: http://es.geocities.com/programasdx/larosa.htm Cordiales 73 (José Bueno, Spain, noticiasdx yg via DXLD) Exacto!!! Las dos siguientes emisiones de La Rosa de Tokyo estarán dedicados a analizar la radiodifusión en las Islas Malvinas!!!! !!!! (Arnaldo Slaen, ibid.) Radio Provincia de La Plata presenta otro programa más dedicado a [onda corta; diexismo?] EL PROGRAMA VA LOS DOMINGOS Y SE LLAMA "LAS RADIOS DEL MUNDO".- SALE DOMINGOS A LAS 8 HORAS DE LA ARGENTINA (1100 UT). PUEDE SER ESCUCHADO EN LOS 1270 kHz Y EN LA PAGINA WEB DE LA EMISORA EN http://www.amprovincia.com.ar EL CONTENIDO DEL PROGRAMA DEL 13-04-08 : MATERIAL DE RADIO CANADA ENTREVISTAS MATERIAL DE RADIO NEDERLAND LEYENDAS DE MEXICO MATERIAL DE RFRANCIA LAS RADIOS Y LOS SECUESTRADOS EN COLOMBIA Y LA ONDA CORTA AL SERVICIO DE LOS SECUESTRADOS EN COLOMBIA. PRODUCCION DE OMAR JOSE SOMMA, VERONICA QUIROGA, JUAN NATALE (Arnaldo Slaen, dxldyg via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA [and non]. Australia, CVC A08: Here in Denmark I hear them at least at 06-09 UT on the old R Australia frequency of 15515, which is NOT mentioned?? 73, (Erik Køie, April 11, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Both on air. 15515 may via CVC Tashkent UZB, to Indian subcontinent 15515 0300-0900 41N TAC 100 131 UZB CVC to PAC and NoAM/MEX 15515 0200-0700 2,6-8,61-63 SHP 100 70 AUS ABC (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) ** BAHRAIN. 6010, 05+07/4 0205-0329, R. BAHRAIN, no stop SOFT POP Rock music, also Shade Adou song! Unid QRM Euro TX. suff/good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX-NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BENIN. Concerning WOR 1403, the web schedule for TWR Benin is wrong. In fact times shown are UTC (not UTC +1 as shown) so programmes begin at 0300 and 1700 UT (James MacDonell, Niger State, NW Nigeria, April 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BHUTAN. 6035, 08+09/4 0020-0030, BHUTAN BS, talks by Monk DJ, don't ask pls the contents !!!! suff/good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX-NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6035, *0000-0030 09.04, Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangayyang. Dzongkha Horn fanfare, announcement, Buddhist monks intoning - back on the air, but the next night it was Off again at 0000-0010! QRM Colombia 34343 (AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire here in Skovlunde, Denmark, Anker Petersen, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4716.62, Radio Yura, Yura *1012 sudden on with flauta andina, om and usual yl with attractive radio voice. Strong signal 10 April. Sign on time seems to vary from 1000 to 1015 in April. 4781.48, Radio Tacana. 1025 to 1035 with om and yl, music, good signal and CODAR in remission, later co channel Radio Coatan Guatemala 10 April (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, US, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 3309.94, R Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 1000 to 1020 exotic music with fair signal 12 April. 4409.87, Radio Eco, Reyes, 0049 to 0100 with poor signal, ute interference, best in LSB. 12 April. 4732, XXX, Radio Universitaria, Cobija, Pando off last fortnight, RTTY "...RYRYRYRY...." at 0050. This one has a history of returning from time to time, No RTTY on 4732 in the local morning 0900 to 1100 (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach, South Florida, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. Confirmaçao recebida --- Amigos, recebi hoje um e-mail QSL da Rádio Inconfidência. A emissora está trabalhando no preparo de um cartão para confirmação de escutas. E o que consta no e-mail recebido da emissora. 73! Rubens Ferraz Pedroso. Bandeirantes - Paraná. Viz.: 6010, Rádio Inconfidência - Belo Horizonte - MG - Recebido e-QSL. 53 dias. Mário Veras Júnior (Diretor Técnico). Informe enviado por e- mail: faleconosco@ inconfidencia. com.br Outro e-mail é: diretoriatecnica@ inconfidencia. com.br QTH: Av. Raja Gabaglia, 1666 - Santa Lúcia - Cep: 30350-540 - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) Áudio da Inconfidência em 6010 kHz --- Com nossa colaboração e do colega de Jaú, Edson, em contato com o técnico de transmissores, sr. Mário Veras Jr., informamos do áudio ruim que a Inconfidência estava emitindo em 6010 kHz. Ele providenciou as vávulas que estavam com problema e ajustou. Agora o áudio está a contento. Mais alguns ajustes serão feitos a fim de completar a manutenção. Os transmissores da Inconfidência estão em Contagem MG e o de ondas curtas 6010 kHz tem 25 Kw de potência irradiada. Se colegas da lista puderem reportar a ele, monitorem as ondas curtas e aqui está o e-mail da área técnica: diretoriatecnica@... [truncated by yg] aos cuidados de Mário Veras Jr. 73 (Luiz Chaine Neto, Limeira -sp-, 12/4/2008 - sábado às 9h53, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** BULGARIA [and non]. 6000, 2240-2300 Sunday 06.04, R. Varna, Varna. Bulgarian interview, folksong - here also during A08, not on 9900! QRM R Mali 5995, BBC 6005 and from *2300 drowned by Singapore in Chinese on 6000. [Varna] scheduled Sunday *2100-Monday 0300* 33343 (AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire here in Skovlunde, Denmark, Anker Petersen, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) ** CANADA. 4877.52, RCI, Sackville, 0232-0259*, April 11, Sub-harmonic of 9755.04. Spanish talk. Music. Very weak. ½ x 9755.04 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA [and non]. China unblocks CBC websites: see CHINA [and non] ** CANADA. For the Classical Music fans: CBC Radio 2, Beethoven 9 in 9 "...Sunday April 13th, Bill Richardson and Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Conductor, Bramwell Tovey guide you through all nine Symphonies back to back starting at 9:00 AM and ending at 6:00 PM. Enjoy all these unique listening opportunities as Beethoven's work is explored from it's earliest period to the later works that expanded the vocabulary of classical music." http://www.cbc.ca/beethoven Sunday April 13, Choral Concert - 8 - 9 am A Beethoven Choralfest --- Prelude to CBC Radio Two's 9 IN 9 Day... Howard Dyck explores Beethoven's choral legacy from his early Mass in C Major and other occasional works for chorus to his towering Missa Solemnis and Choral Fantasy that led the way to the monumental Choral Symphony. Beethoven 9 in 9 - 9 am to 6 pm All nine symphonies in nine hours hosted by Bill Richardson. The symphonies will be presented in order with each to be preceeded by a conversation between Bill Richardson and Vancouver Symphony Orchestra conductor Bramwell Tovey. The festival will also feature short documentaries and other related material. Times are approximate and subject to change. 9:25 AM - Symphony #1, Op 21 [AT webcast first airing 1225 UT, etc.] 10:15 AM - Symphony #2, Op 36 11:10 AM - Symphony #3, Op 55 12:20 PM - Symphony #4, Op 60 13:15 PM - Symphony #5, Op 67 14:00 PM - Symphony #6, Op 68 15:00 PM - Symphony #7, Op 92 15:55 PM - Symphony #8, Op 93 16:40 PM - Symphony #9, Op 125 (Fred Waterer, Ont., http://www.doghouse charlie.com ODXA yg via DXLD) ** CANADA. 6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 0437-0448, April 10 (Thurs.), rather unusual reception: heard mixing with Radio Martí, but with no jamming at all, C&W songs, IDs "Classic Country AM 1060", promo for winning a John Deere trimmer, mostly poor (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. ORCA-FM --- A small transmitter up in Johnstone Strait north of Campbell River on Vancouver Island. It's hooked up to a hydrophone in the water there, and in the summer months you can hear the killer whales calling as they (partly) dispose of the salmon runs. I had the pleasure of working on the back deck of a small ship passing through there, the sun shining, the ICF-2010 tuned to 88.5, and the whales providing background music. Right up there with walking along Oregon beaches (Nick Hall-Patch, Victoria, BC, IRCA via DXLD) ** CANADA. For those of us in Victoria and vicinity, I'm playing around on the X-Band tonight and note a talking house on 1650. That's a difficult channel here, as both 1660 and 1640 produce a lot of splatter. Initially I couldn't be sure what I was hearing, but as things progressed, it was obviously a loop. I heard the phone number 479-3333 and Sutton Realty, which is a local realtor group. Also they mentioned the technology of a talking house, and how this can help sell homes. There was no specific address given for a house, so I have no idea where this is coming from. Perhaps I need to go out on my bike and explore! Anyone else in the Victoria area hearing this? I have a call into the office and hope that someone calls back about it!!! (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, April 8, IRCA via DXLD) Oh my, a bit of a technical disaster from this location. With the BFO on you can hear bleeps as (I think) the carrier jumps around; not too readable in AM due to distortion. Maybe it's closer to you, Walt, I hope, hi (Nick Hall-Patch, ibid.) I found a listing for the agent (Joan Solberg) about 1 to 2 miles from here, so I might ride over and investigate. Right now, a SS station is dominating, presumably KBJD in Denver. Earlier, I could clearly hear a Korean, probably KFOX in Torrance, CA so lots to hear! Here's a neat story for the group. One session at Grayland, I was parked on 1610 and ran across a very weak station, which after listening for a while revealed itself to be a talking house. Well, I drove around and found it a mile or two away inside a vacant mobile home. The fellas encouraged me to contact the realtor for a QSL, but alas, I never did. While I was monitoring the frequency, the realtor called back. We had a pleasant conversation for about 10 minutes. She was fascinated by my call. She referred me to the website: http://www.talkinghouse.com/newweb/ Apparently she purchased 5 of them from the US for about $250 each. Looks like a VCR with any channel between 1530 and 1700 being available. The antenna consists of a wire a few feet long that you wrap around the rafters in the garage (the preferred location). She and her son work as a team, so that one tunes the transmitter while the other listens from a vehicle on the street for the best frequency. I encouraged her to try either 530 or 1700 as better choices. I also talked to her about our hobby, and that I'd let people all over Canada and the US know about our conversation. She seemed genuinely interested (or if not, very polite!). I didn't get around to asking for a verification, though! She did confirm that the transmitter is located at Green Oaks Ave, which is closer to Nick Hall-Patch`s, and especially Colin Newell's home. What fun! (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, ibid.) [Later:] No, Nick. I rode my bicycle out to the house. It's located at Rockland/Green Oak which is 100 or so meters south of Oak Bay Avenue, so much closer to you. In fact, they do describe the house, but it's Joan's voice which doesn't penetrate very well. What I heard is the general intro by her son, which carried very well. Right now at 9:05 pm (0405 UT), I'm hearing a jumble on 1650 using the Perseus. I clearly hear a TIS station with marine weather [see USA]. Cochannel is the SS station, as well as another, and a weak het from someone off channel. Now I can also hear an English speaker. Alas, no talking house! By the way, using the Sony SRF-39FP, a real hot rod of a portable, I lost the signal within 1/2 block of the house! It's miles ahead of my other ultralight, the Sony SRF-M37V, a real disappointing radio (but at least digital). Now to figure out who the marine station TIS is. I'm using my South facing Conti inspired loop. Plenty of signal for sure! (Walt Salmaniw, ibid.) I am getting solid copy at 0515 UT -- And the modulation? almost FM! My drake R8 will not Sync to it -- the frequency is changing with the audio. Doubt it is skipping far. Thanks to Walter for the tip (Colin Newell, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, ibid.) 1670 is the favorite Talking House frequency in Enid, but I have heard and reported some others, including below the X-band (gh) ** CANADA [and non]. Re: CKKW-1090 Kitchener ON applies to move to FM (99.5, 2.2 kW) --- I would think this one wouldn't get far before WDCX killed it. They have (or had) a very potent signal all over that region (David Faulkner, IRCA via DXLD) They sure do - so much so that another attempt to put a Kitchener FM on 99.5 ended in failure. CIKZ ended up moving to 106.7 to escape the WDCX interference --- after CHCD Simcoe moved from 106.7 to 98.9 to escape interference from WYRK 106.5 Buffalo. The desperation to get off the "dying" AM band up there is so strong that stations will apply for channels like 99.5 even when they already know they won't work. (Another example is 92.9, home to superpower WBUF in Buffalo - the old 960 in Cambridge ON moved to 92.9, then had to move again, to 107.5. So what happened? Another new station came on at 92.9 in Haldimand-Norfolk... s (Scott Fybush, Rochester, ibid.) When I moved to Barre Center, NY (just south of Albion and almost exactly between Rochester and Buffalo) I created an FM station list of the stations I expected to hear. (I would have created a TV list too, at least for VHF, but I already knew I could watch channels 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.) That was in 1991. I still have that list in the "Storage" directory on my computer. It shows stations in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, and all over the Niagara peninsula from the Toronto area south. Sure enough, I could get them all. But the most striking thing is that nearly every frequency was occupied. Since that time at least four new stations have been added in NY alone. I doubt they make a shoehorn large enough to squeeze another one in, but people just have to try. 73 (David Faulkner, ibid.) There are no empty FM channels between Rochester and Buffalo. Fact. Now, apparently, they are adding translators in Buffalo on Rochester frequencies, e.g. 96.5 (Jim Renfrew, Holley NY, ibid.) Perhaps the trick is in the engineering. The right power, pattern, height. I'd expect that CTV, the owner of CKKW, will be happy with a signal that doesn't go too far oustide the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Guelph in the east, London in the west, the same mileage north and south. The 1090 signal gets chopped up pretty badly by Baltimore. I'd heard rumours for a year or so that this was coming. I'm not surprised. DX-wise I am glad to potentially have a new workable channel. WBAL like all clears will be easily nulled. Arkansas will be there, but so will other new DX goodies. Adding 99.5 with a couple thou watts won't do any serious damage to FM DXing here (Saul Chernos, Ont., IRCA via DXLD) ** CHAD. 4905, 06+07/4 1830-2210, R. TCHAD, native melodies of the desert, reading list of people missing. Very dark programs. Good/very good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX-NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A- DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also UNIDENTIFIED 7120 ** CHINA [and non]. CHINA UNBLOCKS CBC WEBSITES China has unblocked the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s websites, a week after the broadcaster’s president formally complained to Chinese officials. “We have today heard that access to CBC/Radio- Canada’s English and French websites in China is no longer blocked,” said Hubert T Lacroix in a letter to China’s ambassador to Canada, Lu Shumin. “I am writing to thank you personally for what I assume was your expeditious assistance in this matter.” French-language website Radio-Canada.ca had been blocked for six months while English site CBC.ca had been cut off since January. Lacroix had formally complained about the blockage last week, writing the ambassador to ask why the websites were blocked and to “take steps to ensure that this policy is reversed.” He wrote that Chinese government officials in 2006 promised to “provide services of an Olympic standard to athletes, officials, spectators and the media in order to facilitate their participation and enjoyment of the Games.” Beijing will host the Olympic Games starting in August. CBC is the official Canadian broadcaster of the Games. (Source: CBC News)(April 12th, 2008 - 9:50 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. Via Albania. 7285, CRI Easy FM, 2100-2200, April 11, Tnx to Dave Kenny tip in DXLD. Heard here past several days. Regular English CRI programming prior to 2100. CRI news at 2100. English "China Drive" program at 2105 with talk, news, weather, phone messages. Talk about nicknames. Some Chinese talk. "CRI Easy FM" ID at 2110. Pop music. Canned "CRI Easy FM" ID at 2128. Sports news. Business news. Lite music & CRI contact information at 2155. Good signal. CRI Easy FM is a domestic service with programming aimed at the local China market. Fair signal on // 5960 to 2200, via Albania. 7285 switched to Family Radio in English at 2200. 5960 off the air at 2200 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) So drivetime in Beijing starts at 5 am? Glad I don`t commute there (gh, DXLD) 11690 at 1600 in French: see JORDAN [non] ** COLOMBIA. 1190.34 | La Voz de la Costa, HJCT, Barranquilla, APR 8, 2336 - perennial off-channel station here with bits of Spanish talk and het against WLIB (Mark Connelly, WA1ION, Rockport, MA, USA, (GC= 42.667 N / 70.621 W) (= 42 40' N / 70 37' W), (Granite Pier) site- related info at http://home.comcast.net/~dx_lab/dx_clams_2005.htm Receiver: Drake R8A, Phasing Unit: DXP-6A, Antennas: cardioid array on roof of car = Vertical: 3.7 m whip (MFJ-1956) to 81:1 xfmr to DX Engineering RPA-1, amp + Loop: Micro-SuperLoop, square, 2 m per side, with 16:1 xfmr to DX Engineering RPA-1 amp on east bottom corner and 5K potentiometer on west corner, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** CROATIA [non]. CRZ via Wertachtal, 9925, at 2307 April 11, poor. This is now scheduled with only two overlapping transmissions, not three, per HFCC: 9925 2200 0300 11-16 WER 100 240 1234567 300308 251008 D D HRT DTK 9925 2300 0300 6-10 WER 100 300 1234567 300308 251008 D D HRT DTK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Despite very poor propagation conditions of SF = 68, April 11 at 1325, RHC 15370 was barreling in as usual, strongest signal on band by far, overloading the receiver, and also showing up for a while around 15000. No WWV/H propagating to pin down the frequency, and it was soon gone. But at 1336, 15370 was missing, still missing at 1356 while all the other usual RHC frequencies on 13, 11 and 9 MHz were on as usual. Later check on April 11 at 2044 found music on 11750, cutting off the air as soon as I tuned by. RHC`s nearby 11760 was also off. Came back on a minute later, the latter in Arabic, but then both off again. At 2048 I found the English frequency 9505 had just come on the air with ancient ``terrorism`` grievance against the US (or rather, Fueracubanos). The other RHC frequencies were still off. Recheck 2100, they were all back on. Was there any interruption to the Radio Martí jamming on 9565, 11930, 13820? Of course not! They are on a higher- priority more reliable grid, with multiple transmitters to boot. Pleased to find WRMI 9955 free of jamming at times, thank you very much, such as 2354 April 11, poor in Spanish, presumably R. Praga as scheduled M-F only at 2330. However, another check on 49m, forgot to note the time, but I think it was around 0115 --- Jamming on both 6100 and 6185, tho R. República is on only one frequency at a time, 6100. TS for XEPPM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 3279.86, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 1025 noted with strong signal 12 April. 3220, HCJB, Pifo each morning at 1000 to 1020 with incredible signal strength, same as local FM, in language but numerous ments de Jesu Cristo. 12 April. Synchro lock with R8 and NRD 535D (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach, South Florida, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The same here (Wisconsin) at the same time. A great signal in Quechua & nice 1100 ID (Mark Taylor, Madison, NASWA yg via DXLD) HCJB is currently scheduled, in QUICHUA, not QUECHUA: 0830 1300 3220 10 90(Vert.) S. America 0830 1300 6080 10 90(Vert.) S. America 0800 1100 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S. Pac 2100 0300 6080 10 90(Vert.) S. America 0000 0300 3220 10 90(Vert.) S. America {3220 is supposed to be NVIS, minimising long-distance low-angle radiation! Something must be wrong if it was incredibly strong, local FM level in Florida} While looking for XEXQ 6045, April 11 at 1247, noticed some traces of Spanish occasionally surfacing on 6050 vs the Malaysian het. Can`t be anything but HCJB, not // 11960, but not supposed to be, domestic vs external services. 6050 is on until 1500 with double antenna, 25 kW each toward 18 and 172 degrees. Just about fadeout time roughly a sesquihour after local sunrise, which varies only a few minutes during the year at the Equator (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. WADI EL NIL (NILE VALLEY RADIO), 9250, 1714 GMT, Arabic, 34434, 06-APR, Full Station ID at 1715. News Items then into Arabic Music (Simon Guettier, England, shortwavelog via HCDX via DXLD) ** EGYPT. Glenn: I'm hearing Radio Cairo on 7270 with an excellent signal, Fives! About Like WRMI on 9955 yesterday when I monitored on the Grundig. I hear Egypt fine tonight. There is a beep there now. I guess it's RTTY. More Tips to come. 73's, (Noble West, Clinton TN, 0249 UT April 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Note: this report has been expanded since the originally posted version. R. Africa is back! Not reported in ages on 15190, but strong signal S9+20 Friday April 11 from tune-in 2059 with lo-fi prayer, to gospel singing off-mike; it was the ending of a program, 2101 with contact info as embassy @ afcmi.org or Box 714, White City, Saskatchewan S4L 5Bl, Canada. Also gave a telephone number I missed; website http://www.afcmi.org of Ambassadors for Christ Ministries, Inc. They certainly had no Saskatchewan accent and per website the senior pastors appear to be Africans, James and Rebecca Otitoju. Don`t see anything there about radio broadcasts, let alone via Equatorial Guinea. And while the box number in White City is the same, the website shows postal code S0G 5B0! Music continued until 2106 pause, NO ID, and into next program, which by comparison was undermodulated, just preacher speaking, Hope for Today, continuing previous lesson from Ephesians. 2107 audio cuts out. At this time I compared signal to WYFR, via Ascension on adjacent 15195. EqG 15190 was slightly stronger, as WYFR at 65 degrees is not aimed this way anyway, but WYFR modulation much better. In case this was a quarter-hour program, I stayed with it for another break, and at 2119 it was ending with address Hope for Today, P O Box 3, Breezewood, Pennsylvania 15533. Given twice, but could not copy the town so had to look up the ZIP. Website sounded like http://www.heraldsabout.org but that goes nowhere. Still no station ID. At 2124 started another program, Temple Time, from Union Baptist Church in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Poor audio, YL fire-and-brimstone introduxion, tape snagging, dead air. 2127 cut to local ID I had been waiting for. Announcer spoke very slowly and clearly: Radio Africa, spelt radioafrica @ myway.com to contact ministries by forwarding, or write to postal addresses given at end of programs or c/o Radio Africa, P O Box CT 3741 (or maybe 3701 if pronounced oh), Cantonment [spelt], Accra [stressed on first syllable], Ghana. ``Thanks for listening to the Radio Africa Network``. Neither Equatorial Guinea nor Pan American Broadcasting, Cupertino, California were ever mentioned, and casual listeners would have no idea where this was transmitted from, Ghana maybe? 2130 back to singing with tape snagging horribly. Carrier stayed on as I fired up the computer to start compiling this report. Much bigger carrier cut on 15190 briefly at 2152, and again at 2158, which turned out to be WYFR, Okeechobee, Portuguese at 142 degrees from 2200. But R. Africa could still be detected underneath in English, with a slow SAH, the two within a few Hz of each other. Christians vs Christians! Recheck at 2357, only Okeechobee heard, now closing hour relay of RTI in Spanish. It`s been ages since this was reported in the evening. There have been sporadic reports of it in the morning, 0900-1100 period, such as in DXLD 7-143. But it`s hard to be certain with definite IDs sparse. WRTH 2008 says Bata on 15190 is 07-19 Sat & Sun to E Africa, 07-12 M-F to South Africa. (But note the ID I heard was just R. Africa, not Radio East Africa or Radio Africa 2); and that transmission is irregular, according to bookings. It sure is! Would not be surprised if 15190 is not heard again for months, but we`ll see --- Logs like this could be circulated to clients as evidence they are really being broadcast. I expressly prohibit such use, in whole or in part. Aoki A-08 presents the schedule this way, based on B-07, all in English: 15190 R. EAST AFRICA 0700-1600 1.....7 50 164 Bata GNE 00946E0148 RAN 15190 R. AFRICA-2 0800-1300 .23456. 50 164 Bata GNE 00946E0148 RAN 15190 R. AFRICA 1700-2300 1234567 50 164 Bata GNE 00946E0148 RAN EiBi B-07 (no A-08 yet) had it: 15190 0600-1330 SaSu GNE Radio East Africa E EAf 15190 1700-2300 GNE Radio Africa E WAf 15190 0700-1200 Mo-Fr GNE Radio Africa 2 E SAf R. Africa is not in HFCC on 15190. We note that other RNGE frequencies have been active lately, Malabo 6250; and Bata 5005 just reported earlier in the morning of April 11 by Brian Alexander. Probably the very same transmitter, unless anyone hears 5005 and 15190 on at the same time. Hmmm, Maurits van Driessche, Belgium, BDX reported 5005 today at 2053, but was it still on after 2059? [Later: Brian also heard 5005 at 2200-2300, so must be two different transmitters; but they did resume on the same day.] BTW, 19m was certainly wide open from Central Africa and vicinity. Besides Ascension 15195, DW Rwanda was loudest of all on 15205. However, when I was tuning by 15120 before 2100, no Nigeria heard. This was during extremely low solar flux of only 67 at 2100 UT, mid- latitude K-index 1, per SWPC. Little known fact? R. Africa used to carry WORLD OF RADIO many years ago, back in the era when we distributed on reel-to-reel tape, which were recycled thru Cupertino. We were invited to provide WOR tapes to be used on a time-available basis, so we never knew if or when they would air, but as they were shipped in bulk, it would be weeks or months after production. We got little ``listener`` response, but what came treated us as if we were a ministry! We are still on the spam mailing list of some religious time brokers who assume we must be a ministry since we are on WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional-Bata, 0517-0600+, April 11, reactivated. Last heard back in December. Spanish & vernacular talk. Mentions of Bata & Malabo, along with a mention of "Radio Malabo". Local music. Poor signal in noisy conditions (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Bata terug goed tehoren op 5005 kHz, met disco muziek, 2053 UT (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, April 11, bdx mailing list via DXLD) Radio Nacional - Bata, 5005, 2100, yes back in business :-) ID by male. Not easy under utility QRM. 73's (Ferdy, HB9DSP, Switzerland, April 11, Icom 756PRO3 - DX-One Pro 2, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5005, Radio Nacional-Bata, 2200-2300*, April 11, talk. African choral music. Sign off with National Anthem. Threshold copy at tune-in. Slowly improved to a fair signal strength but poor overall signal due to heavy t-storm static making for difficult conditions (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA. 5989.91v, Radio Ethiopia, 0410-0430, April 11, local pop music. Amharic talk. Very weak. Frequency drifted up from 5989.91 at 0410 to 5989.96 by 0430. Good signal on // 7110 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. The schedule for RFI in DXLD 8-045 attracted my attention so I tuned in at 0600 when I have often heard them in the past. 15160, if used was blocked by Radio Australia and 11725 by Radio New Zealand International. Nothing was audible on 9765 or 17800. As they seemed poor choices investigation seemed warranted so I looked up http://www.rfi.fr then the English option. To the right of the page is a detailed schedule giving frequencies until the end of March 2008 but in the main block of text are completely different frequencies on the same page! One wonders whether the staff of some broadcasters ever look at their own web page. This is what is shown now:- 0400 9550 11910 13610 17800 0500 11685 15155 17800 0600 11665 17800 21620 0700 15605 1200 17815 21620 25820 1400 11610 17515 1600 9730 15255 15605 17850 I am amazed to see the use of the 11 metre band - 25820 kHz. It is several years since this band has been used for international as opposed to local DRM broadcasting. I certainly would not receive that here in Melbourne but perhaps others could hear it. It is beamed to Africa. Regards (Morrison Hoyle, Australia, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) They have not updated the schedule version above in YEARS! Don`t you believe it (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Re 8-045: 1600-1700 15605 to C. and W. Af. 17605 to E. Af. [N.B. - anyone confirm this? --- gh] Yes, both frequencies opened shortly before the hour and English commenced on the hour as listed today (April 11). (Noel R. Green (NW England), dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. Dear Radio Colleague, For those who are collecting QSL cards from the many AWR relay sites, a new relay location has just been implemented. Adventist World Radio is now on relay from the Issoudun site in France for 1 & 1/2 hours daily. This is the schedule:- 1630 - 1700 UTC 17575 kHz 250 kW Somali to Somalia 1700 - 1800 17575 250 Oromo to Ethiopia (Dr Adrian Peterson, DX Editor, Adventist World Radio, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Did he find out from DXLD 8-045, 8-044? Maybe not, since that shows a gap at 1700-1730, so only one hour daily instead of one sesquihour; and HFCC still shows the gap. Has it really been infilled? (gh, DXLD) ** GERMANY EAST. NEW RADIO BERLIN INTERNATIONAL TRIBUTE SITE Dear Glenn, Your readers and listeners may be interested to know that I have started a tribute site for Radio Berlin International at http://www.radioberlininternational.blog.co.uk The site pulls together much of the information about RBI, and people connected to it, available online. It also invites reminiscences of former listeners and staff. Also included on the site is the entire last English language broadcast on October 2nd 1990. Links to RBI broadcasts will be added soon. Best regards (John Peet, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Site inaccessible whenever I checked so far (gh) ** GERMANY [non]. CVC Chile, 15410, had some co-channel of equal level, or even overriding it, in African language with SAH, April 11 at 1330. Per DW A-08 schedule via Alokesh Gupta, it`s Hausa via Rwanda during the 13-14 hour, tho missing from Aoki. HFCC says 295 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GOA [and non]. Unlike what surely happens with the rest of India vis-à-vis the UK, cultural ties with Portugal remain and are pretty much alive, with families still retaining much traditions, ways of life & culture inherited from the centuries' old Portuguese presence. You are unlikely to see many Indians using English names, or Ceylonese using Dutch or English names - but you do find families bearing Portuguese names there. Malacca [MALAYSIA]. People using Portuguese names can also be found in this city (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUINEA. 7125, R. Conakry, Conakry-Sofon; 10 April, French/Dialects 0916 YL talks "commision", OM talks, 0920 short tribal choral followed by percussion, 0922 OM and YL talks, 0927 short choral and strings, 0928-0936 OM talks. 23322 gradually weaker (Lúcio Otávio Bobrówiec, Embu SP Brasil, Sony ICF SW40, dipole 18m, 32m, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. HRMI. 0503-0543. Freq: 3340. 19 Mar 08. Received a f/d card in 22 days for an English report, $1, 1 IRC, and applause card, and a local postcard. V/S. James K. ???, Director. Station addy: Mr. Wayne Downs, Director, HRMI-Radio Misiones Internacional, Apartado Postal 20583, Comayagüela, MDC, Honduras. The reply came from: International Missions Fellowship, PO Box 6321, San Bernadina [sic] CA 92412 USA (Joe Wood, TN, MARE Tipsheeet via DXLD) ** INDONESIA [non]. 9680, RRI Jakarta. For over a month the Kang Guru Radio English Sun. & Wed. programs have been preëmpted, so I sent off an email to Sue Rodger at KGRE. Her response: "Wow! Good job we have you to tell us that KG is not on the air in Jakarta! Sorry but KG has little control over RRI! If they change their schedules we have to rely on listeners writing to us to complain. We will phone them next week and find out what the problem is. We are all fine here, working hard as usual. The March magazine has just gone out and we are already getting the June articles written. We have just finished writing the next series of shows - 6001 - 6006. Still travelling and giving workshops with teachers across Indonesia. Recent ones have been in Ambon, Banka and East Kalimantan …. Well I will be in touch with RRI Jakarta next week and let you know what is happening. Thanks for your email." (Ron Howard, CA, April 12, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. Re 8-045: Israel Radio schedule on IBA's website Are we sure this is current??????? The last (recent) time I monitored Persian it was at 1400-1525(or 1500) via just two transmitters using 13850 and 11605. Neither appeared to be beaming towards Europe. (Noel R. Green (NW England), April 11, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) You're right, I didn't look at it in detail and was too quick to send the link. They removed all other languages, but didn't really change Persian. The time is local Israel time, so it is correct. The 'alternate' frequencies are the correct summer frequencies, and no European frequencies (Doni Rosenzweig, ibid.) ** ISRAEL. Re 8-045: GOBIERNO DE ISRAEL CERRÓ ESTUDIO DE POPULAR EMISORA DE RADIO EN JERUSALÉN http://www.fuertedigital.com/content/view/3739/64/ La policía israelí cerró este lunes el estudio en Jerusalén de una popular emisora de radio que emitía información, música y entretenimiento con el objetivo de promover la paz y el diálogo entre los jóvenes palestinos e israelíes. De carácter progresista y liberal, la radio RAM-FM emite en inglés y era una de las más escuchadas en toda la ciudad, tanto por la juventud israelí como palestina. La sede central de la radio se encuentra en la ciudad cisjordana de Ramala, donde se presentó en febrero de 2007. Según precisó entonces su director de información, Andrew Bolton, el propósito de la emisora era conjugar "el entretenimiento, la música y los programas informativos, veraces y fiables, para promover la paz y el diálogo". Fuentes oficiales israelíes alegaron que la decisión se debe a que el estudio no contaba con la necesaria autorización administrativa y que sus emisiones, en frecuencia modulada, interferían en las comunicaciones aéreas (via José Miguel Romero, Spain, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s the standard excuse, but I demand proof. For starters, WTFK? Above 108 MHz? Then of course they should be busted. If it`s just a harmonic problem, that could be fixed (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) RECLAMAN LA LIBERACIÓN DE EMPLEADOS DE RADIO CLAUSURADA http://nuevasion.com.ar/nota.asp?IDNoticia=0005466 La Asociación de Prensa Extranjera (FPA) exigió la "inmediata liberación" de ocho empleados de una radio local, RAM FM, que promueve la paz entre israelíes y palestinos.Los trabajadores fueron puestos en custodia policial este lunes 7 de abril cuando les confiscaron equipos y clausuraron las oficinas de Jerusalem de RAM FM, una emisora radial que transmite en inglés y que está enfocada a oyentes palestinos e israelíes. La policía y el Ministerio de Comunicaciones israelíes indicaron que RAM FM estaba transmitiendo sin el permiso correspondiente e interfería en las señales aeroportuarias. "FPA condena la detención de los empleados y reclama que el caso siga por los canales rutinarios y no por este encarcelamiento absurdo", proclamó la asociación, que representa a los corresponsales extranjeros en Israel y en los territorios palestinos. Un portavoz del Ministerio de Comunicaciones israelí confirmó que la emisora fue cerrada porque funcionaba sin licencia, pero no explicó por qué la actuación policial se produjo ahora, más de un año después de su apertura. Un representante de RAM FM declaró que "operamos dentro de los parámetros de la ley". La radio afirma que "apunta a promover la construcción de un puente y de un diálogo desde la música contemporánea" y a ser una emisora de noticias independiente (via José Miguel Romero, DXLD) ** JORDAN [and non]. JORDAN RADIO & TELEVISION, 11690, 1604 GMT, FF, 55555, 06-APR, News in French followed by analysis (Simon Guettier, location unknown, shortwave log via Cumbre DX via DXLD) I wish the Shortwave Log could generate also the location of listener to us all to see. Or maybe the logger could do this all by himself (Jari Savolainen, Finland, ibid.) Unfortunately the Shortwave Log encourages list-logging with no moderation. Jordan 11690 has not been reported by anyone else for many weeks. It would be nice to have them back, but is SG aware of this, per Aoki: 11690 CHINA RADIO INTER. 1600-1657 1234567 French 500 308 Kashi 2022 CHN 07600E3930 CRI a08 If hearing French now at 1600 on 11690, one should make very sure it is not CRI. BTW, according to timeanddate.com, DST in Jordan runs from Friday, March 28 to Friday, October 31, 2008, so if and when reactivated on 11690, the transmission should end at 1630 and already be in English by 1600. But it will then have a very big problem with CRI; doesn`t everybody? Quick to move in on a suspended frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I have my doubts. French from Jordan on 11690? Normally at 1400-1730 only in English. I don't believe that, before I check it soon in coming days. On Nagoya DXC website, Aoki list, and HFCC list 500 kW Kashi powerhouse in ..... French .... in 308 degrees, normally well heard in Germany/France with S=9 +30...40 dB (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) JORDAN did insert French before English during the former all-English block, due to some studio availability problem a few months ago, before SW frequency went dark (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, You're right. I didn't listen on the same date as Simon Guettier, but on the 11th at 1600+UT I could only hear an enormous signal from CRI - in French of course. And the modulation quality was obviously not that of Jordan, which station has not been heard for some time - although I don't listen everyday. 73 (Noel Green, England, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Came late on my receiver: 11690 I note ONLY CRI Beijing with a lot of Chinese songs in its French service at 16-17 UT. S=9 + 10 dB powerful signal from Kashi 500 kW (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) Hello folks, Apologies for the incorrect log. Glen[n] is essentially right - while I think Shortwave Log is an excellent programme, it does tend to 'automate' loggings from various databases unless you override it. In this particular case - as far as I remember - I used the 'What's Playing Now' feature, but I think the database used was probably out of date - even though I updated them all recently. It was a 'quick' logging which I should have checked more thoroughly. My apologies and best 73, (Simon, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I’m in Aylesbury, in the UK (Simon, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. 4450, Korean National Democratic Front, P`yongyang; 10-April. Korean, 0956 nationalistic music by male choral, 0958 orchestral maybe with a Korean theme, short YL announcements, 1000 time pips, YL with austere intonation speech, 1003 male choral nationalistic, 1005 soft string instrumental music, 1009-1016 female choral. Began best signal ever heard this year but deteriorated quickly, around 0956 SINPO 33333 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrówiec, Embu SP Brasil, Sony ICF SW40, dipole 18m, 32m, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LAOS. 7145 kHz, Lao National Radio. Apr. 8 at 1345-1400* in English. SIO 332. External Service in English with local news. ID at 1356, then closing announcnent and national anthem. S/off at 1400 (Iwao Nagatani, Japan, Japan Premium via DXLD) 6130, Lao National Radio, 1410-1504, April 12, no English programming today; assume in Laotian, after the news played SE Asian songs, several 5 minute segments of talking, poor (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. 17725, Voice of Africa, 1405-1602, April 11, Heard back on this frequency with a fair to good signal. ex-17600. Nothing heard on 17600. Weak, threshold // 21695. English programming. Local pop music. IDs. French at 1602 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MACAU. Re: Radio Vila Verde and languages spoken here Glenn, The situation in Macau would be the same if the language were Dutch or Italian for instance. English became a língua franca in business wordlwide; it's used in other areas close to Macau of which Hong Kong is a good & powerful example, so it's not just the fact that a multi-century old presence of another European language, Portuguese in this case, could turn things different. Apart from Cantonese, Portuguese still remains as the other official language in Macau. It's used in all government depts. just like Cantonese. Portuguese nationals living in Macau were always in a small number. English may be used, but for business alone, and as far as historical values are concerned, it has no place in Macau. History --- While the British simply forced China to grant them a lease on Hong Kong, the administration of Macau was, in practical terms, granted to Portugal, and neither the dimension of the territory nor the reduced economical interest for Portugal could turn Macau into a leading trade point in SEAsia. Principles rather than economy ruled, and this is perhaps something most foreigners ignore* [are unaware of] about Macau & other places. This contributed to the fact that the communist régime in the so called PRC never drew an ultimatum upon us to leave the territory, it simply postponed an intention to get it back. In fact, in the 80's, Portugal & China approached so as to establish an agreement aiming at stopping Portuguese administration. Portugal promoted a steady development until year 1999, when the territory was transferred to China. As you may know, now it became a major casino heaven (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GOA *While its cognates in Portuguese and Spanish mean ``be unaware of``, ignore in English implies deliberate action (gh) ** MAURITANIA. 4845, 04+06+07/4 2200-2316, R. MAURITANIA, news in French at 2200, talks Arabic later. suff/good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX-NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR- 14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Haven`t heard it lately around 0600 (gh, OK, DXLD) ** MEXICO. 6044.94, XEXQ, Radio Universidad, 0240-0255, April 11, Tentative. Classical music. Poor. Very weak with adjacent channel splatter [Vatican via Sackville 6040]. Too weak to catch any ID (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6045, XEXQ presumed, trace of classical music on 6045 at 1316; before 1300 all I could detect was a weak carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. ASESINAN A DOS LOCUTORAS DE RADIO EN MÉXICO April 8, 2008 http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sp/nws/5684367.html Dos locutoras de una radio comunitaria fueron asesinadas en el estado sureño de Oaxaca durante una emboscada a balazos sin que hasta el momento se conozcan las razones, informaron el martes autoridades estatales. La Procuraduría de Justicia de Oaxaca refirió en un comunicado que Teresa Bautista de 24 años y Felicitas Martínez de 20, conductoras de la radio denominada "La Voz que Rompe el Silencio", fueron atacadas la noche del lunes en una comunidad del sur del estado. En el ataque también resultaron heridos dos adultos y un menor de 3 años. La dependencia estatal señaló que las víctimas iban a bordo de un vehículo cuando sufrieron la agresión. En el lugar se localizaron 20 casquillos de percutidos calibre 7,62, utilizados en rifles de alto poder AK-47 (Houston Chronicle via José Miguel Romero, Spain, DXLD) ** MEXICO. LISTA, LA RADIO DIGITAL EN MÉXICO Cofemer deberá responder en cinco días y emitir su dictamen http://estadis.eluniversal.com.mx/finanzas/63591.html Angelina Mejía Guerrero, El Universal, Lunes 07 de abril de 2008 En la segunda mitad del año comenzarán las primeras transmisiones de radio digital con el estándar IBOC en el país. Concesionarios de radio que operan en la frontera norte del territorio se aprestan para implantar la tecnología y sólo están a la espera de que entre en vigor la normatividad correspondiente, señaló Francisco García Burgos, titular de la Unidad de Radio y Televisión de la Cofetel. La Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) envió el jueves pasado a la Comisión Federal de Mejora Regulatoria (Cofemer) la respuesta al dictamen parcial sobre el Acuerdo de Política de Transición a la Radio Digital Terreste para radiodifusoras de la frontera norte. La Cofemer tiene cinco días hábiles para dar respuesta y emitir un dictamen final. Si este es favorable entonces la SCT podrá publicar el Acuerdo en el Diario Oficial de la Federación para que entre en vigor. Hasta el momento, la Cofetel ha recibido alrededor de 12 solicitudes por escrito de concesionarios interesados en hacer la migración digital, pero casi la mitad de los 400 que operan en la frontera ya manifestaron al órgano regulador su interés y posibilidad de entrar a este proceso, dijo el funcionario. "Ha habido solicitudes por escrito que no hemos podido formalizar por no estar los lineamientos aprobados por la Cofemer, por lo que están a la espera de que esto suceda, y esperamos que sea en favor del acuerdo propuesto", sostuvo García Burgos. Para todo el país, aún no En tanto, las autoridades y la industria de la radiodifusión seguirán analizando la evolución y adopción de las tencologías digitales IBOC y Eureka 147 en otros países, para determinar cuál es el mejor estándar para México y que se aplique en el resto del país, dijo. Sin embargo, no se prevé que sea en el presente año cuando se tome la decisión, aceptó García Burgos. La Comisión Federal de Competencia (Cofeco), opinó en su momento que la implantación del IBOC en la frontera predisponía su aplicación para el resto del país, sin embargo, la Cofetel considera que la realidad de los concesionarios de la frontera es distinta a la de los que operan en otros estados. Parte del mercado de las estaciones de radio de la franja norte está en Estados Unidos y sería inviable utilizar una tecnología diferente a la que se usa en el vecino país, pues hacerlo implicaría la necesidad de tener un aparato receptor diferente porque ya no hay AM ni FM, sino que en Eureka se usa otra banda (via José Miguel Romero, DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. RNW closing Dutch with national anthem, which they sure play a lot, but it`s a nice one, April 11 at 1656 on 15335, good S9+15 signal. This is Madagascar, scheduled exactly 1559-1657, 335 degrees, a rare instance of the azimuth matching the kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGER. 9705, 07+08/4 1850-1905, LA VOIX DU SAHEL, NIGER, news in French by YL DJ, "BONSOIR", later sad desert melodies. suff/good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX-NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. I can confirm that Radio Nigeria Enugu is indeed active again on 6025 (James MacDonell, Niger State, NW Nigeria, April 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Possible Answers to missing Channel 8/10 DTV. I finally got to talk to an engineer for KTUL Ch. 8 in Tulsa. I told him the situation and this is what he told me. 1- The transmitter in not at full power yet. 2- The Digital antenna is on the "side" of the tower, facing WEST. I believe this is my biggest problem, as think this location, is in a "null', (for now). 3- Their digital broadcast, is on 10. There is a ch. 10 (analog) in Ada. Also, a strong PBS on 11 in Tulsa. He said, this problem should be resolved, in Feb, as the antenna will be on top of the tower, and be at full power. He said, they will be 30 kW in Feb. Their analog is 316 kW at present. He said these Tulsa stations will move, come Feb. Ch. 2 to 8, ch. 6 to 35, ch. 8 to 10, ch. 11 stays on 11. Don't know about the rest. He said something, I found VERY interesting, and had never heard before. We were talking about channels being autioned off. He said, the FCC is also going to sell Ch. 5 & 6. Anyone heard this??? What's your opinion on the reasons that he give on the LACK of reception of ch. 8 ? ? ? (Gary Hickerson, circa Fort Smith AR? Or closer to Tulsa now? WTFDA via DXLD) A proposal is before the FCC that would reallocate TV channels 5 and 6 for FM radio service. Personally I think it has little chance of adoption. It would put the brakes on the DTV conversion, as it would force a number of stations in markets as large as Philadelphia to seek new permanent DTV channel assignments - and would force a number of stations to scrap brand new transmitters (Doug Smith, W9WI Pleasant View, TN EM66, ibid.) ** PERU. 3172.90, Radio Municipal, Panao caught for ten minutes from 1010 to 1020, off at 1025 recheck; transmitter issues? Has been off most of April. This the first solid log in a while. 12 April. 3234.90, Radio Luz y Sonido, Huánuco with OM discussion of music. 1022 to 1025 12 April. 3375.1, XXX, no station from either Perú or Brasil for last two weeks, 0900 to 1000 / 0000 to 0300. rlcw 5120.33, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 0050 to 0120 in lsb to avoid ute, good signal [April 12?] (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach, South Florida, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. Kudos to BSKSA for being the only station managing to put a good signal into NAm from the ME, April 11 at 1657 on 15435, preacher in Arabic with exaggerated reverb. Dyskudos for the horrible huge raspy buzz on the Holy Qur`an Service, 15205 at the same time, accompanied by traces of muezzin underneath. Same situation continued at 1702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SICILY. 4895, 06/4 1805-1825* UNID PIRATE Operator, SICILY, ITALY, with relay no authorized of audio taken from FM band, news from RGS Radio Giornale di Sicilia, severals FM stations relayed, audio on/off, may be some MAFIA Technicien testing equipments. good/v.good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX-NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA [non]. RE: DXLD 8-045 IRIN --- I heard them on April 6th [Sunday] on 9665 kHz 1735-1744 UT. Before and at 1730 only REE could be heard with very strong signals. Sunday football! At 1735 the transmission from IRIN started with Somali music, ID's etc. News items followed with Somalia mentioned several times. At 1741: www-site and e-mail address spelled. At 1744:30 the broadcast ended and there started and endless stream of tones and pips, like a mobile telephone. Reception was fair, but better than expected, as Spain was very strong. I heard them also the day after (Monday), but then REE started its transmissions at 1730. The address: feedback@IRINews.org didn't work. My email bounced back. But I also sent a report from their home page. No reactions so far! 73 from (Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Address is wrong. Maybe: try it with two "Nn" feedback @ IRINnews.org 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, to Björn Fransson, via DXLD) Thanks Wolfie! My mistake! It was a misprint by yours truly! 73 from (Björn Fransson, Sweden, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALILAND. See UNIDENTIFIED 7120 ** SPAIN. REE, 17595, with classical music until 1700 timesignal, ID and news, Friday April 11; fair with local hi noise level and degraded propagation. This is Nuestra Música, which I had overlooked in earlier inspexion of A-08 program schedule, M-F at 1630 UT (or 1635? Since it is supposedly 25 minutes). Other frequencies in use then: 21610, 21570, 17755, 15585, 15385, none of them Costa Rica on weekdays, so 17595 will always be best here. Show is also M-F at 0930 when I will never listen and thus not research the frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST) ** SWEDEN. 11590 (ex 11540) In order to avoid (seemingly) interference from adjacent "Voice of Mesopotamia" on 11530, R Sweden plans to replace 11540 by 11590 in 1600-1700 UT slot. 11590, 1500-1600 Swedish/English, 1600 Aramaic-Assyrian[Thur/Fri]/ Persian[Mon-Wed], 1630 Kurdish[Mon-Fri]. From 1700 UT still on 11540. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAJIKISTAN. 17562, Typical odd frequency of Voice of Tibet from Oslo, Norway, noted at 1100 UT today Apr 11. Accompanied jammer fetched it late around 1104:20 UT, latter came on air within seconds after s-on with Firedrake music. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKMENISTAN. 4930, *0100-0110 09.04, Turkmen Radio - HS2, Asgabat. Short IS, timepips, Turkmen ID, National hymn by choir, announcement, light music, 35433 (AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire here in Skovlunde, Denmark, Anker Petersen, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD) ** U K [and non]. On Friday April 11 at 1253, caught a bit more of the scheduled BBCWS Spanish broadcast at 1200, much better via WHRI Furman 9410, than via // TDF Montsinéry 11860. Unlike the day before with rock music, a Rachmaninov piano concerto was playing, but the starry night was rudely cut off at 1300* on 9410 without any announcements in any language ever being heard. Also had another chance to check BBCWS in English via Rampisham to ``western Russia``, 13865, cutting on during ID sequence implying BBC is everywhere, at *1659:45 April 11. Good S9+15 with some fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Hi Glenn, just received a relatively strong BBC World Service transmission in English from 1756 to 1900 UT on April 11, 2008 at 13865 kHz. I found no information regarding this frequency on the BBC website or the Prime Time Shortwave website. Has anyone else heard BBC on this frequency before? Happy DXing! (Bill Hodges, Atlanta, GA, Kenwood R-2000 and 50ft long wire, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Bill, Yes, I have been hearing the 13865 transmission. It`s 1700- 1900 via Rampisham UK aimed at Western Russia, but pretty reliable here. I have reported it a few times in DX Listening Digest, but Primetime SW is rather slow to pick up on things like that (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) ** U K. BBC PROMS 2008, 18 JULY-13 SEPTEMBER ON RADIO 3: Full BBC press release and press pack: http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2008/04_april/09/proms.shtml (Mike Barraclough, England, April 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Daily Telegraph, By Nigel Reynolds, Arts Correspondent, April 10, 2008 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/04/10/nproms110.xml The BBC Proms has unveiled plans for a Doctor Who concert and a celebration of folk music for the 2008 season, only a month after it was attacked by a minister for attracting too narrow a section of society. It was also announced that Nigel Kennedy will give his first Prom for 21 years. Kennedy has spurned the concerts since he was attacked in 1991 for his "ludicrous clothes and grotesque, self-invented accent" by the late Sir John Drummond, a former Proms director. Roger Wright, the new director of the Proms, denied "dumbing down" the summer series of concerts at the Royal Albert Hall and insisted that the Proms had always provided a mixture of old and new, serious and accessible. The Doctor Who family concert in July will feature Daleks and Cybermen on stage, an appearance by the actress Freema Agyeman (one of the Time Lord's assistants), music from the television series and a specially filmed scene starring David Tennant. The event will have a more highbrow side, however, with music on the theme of "time and space" including the Jupiter Suite by Holst, Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man, Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries and the British premiere of a work by the contemporary composer Mark-Anthony Turnage. A day is to be devoted to folk music. Two concerts will be complemented by a Prom in the Park with a ceilidh, a Maypole, Morris dancers, folk singing and story-telling. The event has been created to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Ralph Vaughan Williams, the British composer. Mr Wright said the Doctor Who and folk concerts were planned before Margaret Hodge, the culture minister, singled out the Proms as not doing enough to attract a multicultural audience. He said that Mrs Hodge's comments were "slightly odd". "She called me to apologise about the way it [her speech] was covered." The highlights July 19 Nigel Kennedy Elgar Violin Concerto. July 27 Doctor Who Prom Aug 24 Sir John Eliot Gardiner/Monteverdi Choir/ English Baroque Soloists - J S Bach's St John's Passion Aug 26 Sir Andrew Davis/ BBC Symphony Orchestra - Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis/ A Masque for Dancing/ Symphony No 9. Sept 3 Sir Simon Rattle conducts Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - Brahms Symphony No 3 and Shostakovich Symphony No 10. Sept 9 Bernard Haitink conducts Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Mahler Symphony No 6, Sept 8. Shostakovich Symphony No 4. (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A. 30 meter AM station intruder --- Ah-HA! I have found the evil source of my 30 meter interference and I should have known better. Sorry for bugging you guys!#?!$%# It is WWCR out of Nashville TN, transmitting as of Apr 05, 2008 on Transmitter #3 at 100 kW on a fundamental frequency of 5070 kHz. I have 60+dB over on 5070, It's so strong that I would have to actually build a test rig to measure the true signal strength at my location because even with the radio`s built-in attenuation turned on I still have over 60+dB at my location… which naturally sucks because I also have S9+ across the entire 10140 kHz band-spread when they are transmitting. It's so bad I can actually hear them with my R-2000! ;-) Guess it's a good thing my new MEPT design is for 160 meters and not here on 30 meters, as I'm not going to be seeing much on my Spectrum Lab screen until these clowns stop transmitting. Hummm... I bet I could string a wire up and charge some batteries will all that power hitting my QTH! :-) Mahalo & 73, (Thom Hogan, KI4MTI, April 11, Knightsqrss mailing list via Andy K3UK O`Brien, dxldyg via DXLD) Is he in Hawaii? No, Lawrenceville GA, per ARRL call lookup. 5070 is currently scheduled only from 2200 to 1100 (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** U S A. Re 8-045: ``And how come the Mormons, with their huge international missionary effort, have never shown any interest in SWBC?`` They did at one time with KUSW from SLC. Now its owned by the Trinity Broadcasting Network. It was busy towards the end of the 80s. Now all the LDS stuff comes via satellite. The LDS would send its conference talks twice annually and would have lots of ads on the station. They played rock music of the day. http://www.brainyhistory.com/events/1990/december_16_1990_164416.html (Kevin Redding, AZ, LDS, ABDX via DXLD) KUSW was not a religious station at all, playing rock music. The people who owned it may well have been Mormons, but it was not an outlet of the LDS church. The remarks about LDS ads on it, and the conference talks are from your own monitoring recollection? The brainyhistory site has no info but a date. TBN just closed down the SW station at the end of March, as reported in DXLD. I guess the conference talks are what we just had last weekend on public-access TV in Enid, for hours and hours. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) That may be Glenn, but you know, they used it for piles of LDS ads, LDS Church News, LDS conference talks, BYU programming and of course when that was not on, rock music. Being Mormon, I listened to it often and was saddened to see it go off the air. ``The remarks about LDS ads on it, and the conference talks are from your own monitoring recollection?`` Yes. Like I said, I am Mormon and listened to it very often. ``The brainyhistory site has no info but a date.`` Yes, it shows the last day of broadcasting. ``TBN just closed down the SW station at the end of March, as reported in DXLD.`` No great loss there! I promise I will not miss them. I am sure others will miss them being on. ``I guess the conference talks are what we just had last weekend on public-access TV in Enid, for hours and hours.`` That happens on April 6 and October 6 or close to it. There usually are 9 hours of talks on that weekend broadcast and 3 hours not broadcast. Aren't you glad you have a dial on your TV so you can watch whatever you want. I am sure there were many stations on that weekend without any religion on it to watch for your amusement. That`s what makes this nation great. We can pretty much get what we want when we want it. (Kevin Redding, Gilbert AZ, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. [or should this be UTAH [and non]?]. Mormons On The Air Re: DXLD 8-045 --- I remember when I subscribed to Dish Network satellite TV about 10 years ago they had a "public service" channel originating with Brigham Young University. Lots of western university stations including University of Washington, NE Arizona, California, and BYU were relayed. Some interesting university level lectures and courses were carried on these channels. No idea if they still have these stations. I considered them to be a big discriminator in the battle between Dish and cable TV. Lots of LDS content on the BYU station including a video version of their "Music And The Spoken Word" radio program that was/is syndicated to any station willing to carry it. I worked weekend relief at a station in Barstow CA in the early 1970's that ran that show on Sunday mornings. It originated in the tabernacle in Salt Lake City. The organ music was great (Joe Buch, FL, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1650 a jumble in the Pacific NW --- Can any of our WA or OR fellas confirm who the TIS on 1650 with marine information would be. My search reveals plenty of DOT stations listed for WA and OR. My suspicion is that it might emanate from the Astoria and northern coastal area of OR. Patrick, can you confirm? Right now, I'm hearing a bilingual SS/EE speaker cochannel KK (and no talking house or TIS...this at 04:20 UTC). (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, IRCA via DXLD) Cf CANADA for talking house on 1650 there 1650 has a bunch of NOAA weather stations up and down the Oregon Coast. Astoria/Seaside/Tillammok/Lincoln City/Newport/Coos Bay (at least). I have 4 of them QSL'd. My local (Astoria) is fairly strong here. Phasing or nulling them days, gives me Seaside. But I have also heard and IDed Lincoln City and Coos Bay. 73, (Patrick Martin, Seaside OR, IRCA via DXLD) Thanks, Patrick. I betcha that's what I'm listening to right now on 1650. No way I could tell any of them apart, though, as it seems to be the standard NOAA broadcast for the coast. Fades up and down but mostly under the CA and UT stations (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, ibid.) Walt, They do give the NOAA Radio ID often (Astoria is KEC 91). So maybe you can ID one or more in time. All are 10 watts. 73, (Patrick Martin, ibid.) ** U S A. Re 8-045, WZFN-1100, MN/ND: On my first check for it, WZFN is currently (just past 7 am local time [1300 UT April 11]) blasting in here, so I have no doubt it'll get out to the coast before long. Certainly my easiest new station in quite a while. 73, (Nigel Pimblett, Dunmore, Alberta, IRCA via DXLD) ** U S A. WOR CP From U3 To U4 Tom Dimeo wrote: Wonder which pattern, day or night, is the old pattern? [Tom Ray] Hi Tom. WOR operates DA-1, with the same exact pattern day and night. We don't do an antenna switch and the operating parameters don't change. The differences in the old and new pattern are basically on the west/northwest side of the pattern where the FCC made us pull the null in a bit deeper. The original CP pattern was much tighter in the null - we were able to open it up a bit from what it was supposed to be, but decided not to push to the limits to keep the FCC happy. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as before. We've been running on the new site since September 8, 2006. [Tom Ray] If you would like to get a group together, I'd be happy to give a Saturday tour of the transmitter site now that spring is here. Contact me at tomray @ wor710.com (Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE, Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering, Buckley Radio, WOR Radio, New York City, 212-642-4462, phax: 212-921-4751, Ham call: W2TRR, NRC-AM via DXLD) Thank you Tom, Not sure then why on the DX Audio Service magazine it was mentioned that the CP for a new antenna designation for WOR was now on the air. It said that the designation had changed (using NRC designations) from U3 to U4. Maybe Bill Hale will explain. Below are the NRC designations from their log. U3 Unlimited time operation, directional all hours, same pattern day and night. U4 Unlimited time operation, directional, different patterns day and night. Appreciate your reply (Tom Dimeo, ibid.) I note the FCC AM Query record on WOR says "DA-2" and "different constants day and night". It then lists those DA constants -- and they *aren't* different. I've seen a number of U3 stations listed as DA-2 when the best I can tell the only difference day vs. night is power - the patterns are identical (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN, ibid.) Wouldn't lower power at night theoretically produce a different pattern, not in lobes/directional, but simply smaller, and that`s what the FCC considers 2 different patterns?? (Paul Walker, SC, ibid.) This has been observed previously. IIRC this occurs when a station has different patterns at a point in time and then consolidates to a single pattern. My recollection is that at one time WOR had different patterns, although I'm sure Tom Ray will respond to that issue with certainty (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA (360' ASL), ibid.) Once upon a time, a station that used the same antenna pattern and radiation constants but different day and night powers could be called DA-1. Maybe such designations are grandfathered for stations that are in this situation and that have made no changes since the new rules went into effect. I'm not at all sure about the grandfathering and I don't know when the current rule on this subject went into effect. More recently, however, the few new or modified stations that use different day and night powers with the same antenna pattern and constants day and night have been designated as DA-2. Stations that use the same antenna pattern AND the same power with the same constants day and night (WOR is a prime example) SHOULD be called DA-1. However, the current FCC paperwork makes it difficult to determine from an application or license whether this is the situation that the documentation describes. The problem is that even if there are no differences of any kind in the day and night operation, the station must supply the information separately for day and night operation. In preparing applications for Class B stations on Class A channels, some engineers appear to believe it is necessary to also separately describe the critical hours operation, even when that operation is identical with the daytime operation. As a result there are several DA-2 stations that are described as DA-3 and several DA-1 stations that are described as DA-2. I blame the problem on stupid, bureaucratic FCC paperwork (Dan Strassberg, ibid.) Looks like the Commission has changed things - again. Our old license used to say, simply, "DA-1, same constants day and night". The license for the new facility has actual data in the day and night sections; both are completely identical. A good waste of printer ink (Thomas R. Ray, III CPBE Vice President/Corporate Director of Engineering Buckley Radio WOR Radio New York City, ibid.) ** U S A. 1560 WQEW --- I'm pleased to announce that, back by popular demand, 1560 WQEW NYC NY presents an encore presentation of its award winning "The Drone" format. The "Tone" was pretty big a couple years ago. Then, last year, the "Het" was pretty hip. Now, WQEW is back with "The Drone". DXers take note - I suspect that "The Drone" will penetrate the ether as well as morse code and sweep tones. Maybe its the Famous Mouse's idea of a DX test? (Phil Rafuse, PEI, 0309 UT April 12, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. 1630, WQHJ332, VA Chester - 4/10 1954 [times probably EDT = UT -4] - Up very briefly but very strong with deep-voiced man discussing mission and hours of operation of Chesterfield County Waste and Resource Recovery station at 6700 Landfill Drive. How would you like to live on that street? (RWK-CT) 1710, R. Top Inter - MA Boston - 4/7 2320 - In most of the night, at times huge with Caribbean French and a long set of commercials, often repeated, for local Boston businesses including an African Braid and Beauty Supply store and someplace with Complete Auto Repair (Rick Kenneally, Wilton CT, Drake R8B, Sony ICF2010, Quantum Phaser and Loop, various long wires in the woods, NRC-AM via DXLD) see unID 1710 ** U S A. RANDI RHODES RESIGNS FROM AIR AMERICA AFTER ANTI-CLINTON RANT http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/04/10/host-randi-rhodes-resigns-from-air-america-after-anti-clinton-rant/ Fox story includes link to the offensive Youtube video. NY Times story is much more reserved! (gh) http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/10/business/media/10cnd-radio.html?ref=media (both via Artie Bigley, DXLD) RANDI RHODES JOINS NOVA M RADIO - For Immediate Release April 10, 2008 The Nova M Radio Network is thrilled to announce the addition of “The Randi Rhodes Show” to its nationally syndicated talent offerings beginning this Monday, April 14, 2008. Randi Rhodes is the #1 rated progressive talk radio host in the nation. Nova M CEO John Manzo says, “I just can’t stop smiling - Randi is simply the biggest and the best. Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy under one roof – talk about TALENT!” Randi Rhodes adds, “With Manzo at helm of Nova M, I am truly going to work for the best of the best. He is radio elite --- and I am too . I’m home, I’m home, I’m home!” “The Randi Rhodes Show” will air live Mon-Fri at 3-6 pm Eastern on The Nova M Radio Network. [1900-2200 UT] AFFILIATE, MEDIA, ADVERTISER & INVESTOR INQUIRIES: John Manzo, CEO, Nova M Radio Network jmanzo @ NovaMRadio.com (via Kevin Redding, AZ, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. WWBN April Fool's format change I must share this unique "format change" on the FM dial... or so someone would have liked you to think this past Tuesday afternoon: On Tuesday, Banana 101.5's Eric and Carson (WWBN Flint, Mich.) were seriously stating that the Frankenmuth Chamber of Commerce had purchased the popular rock station and were changing it to a 24/7 German language polka station starting on Wednesday. Some staff would be kept, while others would go to other jobs, such as working at the two popular tourist restaurants in Frankenmuth, the area's German tourist town. They also said the station would move to 1015 AM (101.5 translated to an AM frequency number). Of course, I don't usually notice 1015 on the dial. While they sounded a little outlandish, which they obviously are known for, me being a former FM News editor, their insane show caught my attention for a good hour before it finally faded out as I left the listening area... but the crew was practicing German phrases as they would become German-speaking radio show hosts, playing polka music, and even fooling around with the RDS display changing it to a grammatically incorrect polka-related message scroll. For a while, they were IDing their station as "Taco Bell 101.5," and had on-air meetings of what the change would mean and providing further details of it as they were announced. Some listeners called in and were speaking German, although not always the nicest of words... Now, anyone in their right mind would be skeptical of all this. I mean, Frankenmuth is a small town and they were certainly throwing out some inconsistent information. And I was skeptical, but I managed to keep it on my mind to research this online, double checking to make sure that there was absolutely nothing changing at this station I love as they had fun on-air for their last day as a rock station. Two nights later as I was lying in bed, I realized the date of this broadcast: April 1st. April Fool's Day. I've heard some great radio shows, but these guys really pulled off a good one. I sure hope no DXer was listening. They'd be the most confused fool as they wrote an unidentified "Taco Bell 101.5" in their log (Chris Kadlec, Buffalo, WTFDA via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA [non]. I continue to hear more English on Radio Nacional de Venezuela from 1500 to 1600 UT at 11680 kHz. In the April 11, 2008 transmission English was utilized from 1501 to 1509 when they broadcast "Informative Short News", from 1513 to 1517 when information regarding educational system changes in Venezuela was presented, and finally at 1523 when an introduction to a musical selection was announced. The rest of the broadcast was in Spanish. Sorry, Glenn; they never announced their schedule! Happy DXing! (Bill Hodges, Atlanta, GA, Kenwood R-2000 and 50ft long wire, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. CENTRO DE ONDA CORTA "SIMÓN BOLÍVAR" Guariqueños elevan su voz en los espacios de RNV http://minci.gob.ve/reportajes/2/176384/guariquenos_elevan_suoz.html Con la firme convicción de otorgar espacios de comunicación a los venezolanos que durante años fueron excluidos, Radio Nacional de Venezuela trabaja constantemente en expandir la señal radial a los lugares más apartados de la geografía nacional con el único fin de dar a conocer la realidad - Por: Adriana Quintero aquintero @ minci.gob.ve Desde el corazón de Venezuela, específicamente en el estado Guárico, el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Comunicación e Información (MinCI), conjuntamente con la directiva de la emisora del Estado Radio Nacional de Venezuela (RNV) continúa el proceso de expansión sonora que comenzó hace cuatro años y tiene como objetivo la democratización de espectro radioeléctrico y el fortalecimiento del modelo comunicacional oportuno y veraz. Para Helena Salcedo, directora General de Radio Nacional, estas acciones están orientadas, a su vez, a combatir la campaña de tergiversación y desinformación que forma parte de la agenda diaria de los medios tradicionales. “Tener en Venezuela medios fortalecidos que lleguen a toda la población, donde las personas tengan la oportunidad de informarse, formarse y de la misma manera participar, es sumamente valioso, de allí la importancia de este plan de difusión que está llevando a cabo Radio Nacional de Venezuela para llevar su señal a estos nuevos diales, esto significa, que progresivamente, cada territorio del país debe estar irradiado de la señal del Estado venezolano”, afirmó. Con el lanzamiento de las señales 100.5 FM en San Juan de los Morros y 90.1 FM en Calabozo, el gobierno reafirma la política de comunicación destinada a fortalecer la participación y protagonismo del pueblo, rol de suma importancia para los ciudadanos que deben enfrentar el ataque mediático de fuerzas foráneas que utilizan la comunicación como arma de guerra. Con la inauguración de esta señal en el municipio Sebastián Francisco de Miranda en Calabozo, 80% de la población guariqueña tendrá la oportunidad de ser parte de la programación informativa de la emisora estatal. En Calabozo también será Construido el Centro de Onda Corta “Simón Bolívar”, que será ejecutado por el canal internacional de RNV con el objetivo de llevar la información a otros países del mundo. Este ambicioso proyecto, que se realizará a largo plazo, contará con la asesoría del personal de Radio Cuba y tiene previsto colocar más de 30 antenas para difundir la señal fuera de nuestras fronteras, además significará una fuente de empleo para los pobladores y un avance para este estado venezolano. Bastión de lucha para las comunidades Para la comunidad que hace vida en esta región centro-llanera, la oportunidad de defender la libertad de expresión y contar con un modelo comunicacional destinado a afianzar las raíces e identidad cultural, constituye una muestra de que el Gobierno Bolivariano está en consecuencia con su pueblo. Aseguran sentirse orgullosos por formar parte del estado desde donde operará la sede de transmisión internacional y piden que sus progresos y luchas hagan eco en los corazones de toda Venezuela. Ana Maria Matera, trabajadora social de la Alcaldía de Calabozo “Es para nosotros un orgullo tenerlos acá porque a través de este espacio nosotros daremos a conocer la necesidad de la comunidad. La comunidad felicita al personal de RNV y al gobierno por haberse acordado de nuestro municipio. Esto va a tener gran relevancia y la comunidad alza la voz para decir que RNV cuenta con nuestro apoyo, el apoyo de todas las comunidades” Santiago Cordaba, representante de los sectores rurales y los caseríos campesinos así como del Consejo Comunal Pablo VI [caption?] “Para nosotros la apertura de una estación de repetición de la emisora RNV significa compromiso. Es un proyecto bastante ambicioso porque combate a los medios que entorpecen el trabajo que desarrolla el Gobierno que encabeza el Presidente Hugo Chávez. Para la población va a ser un gran avance porque ésta es una estación de servicio donde acudiremos a proyectarnos como comunidades organizadas y tendremos cabida para ser escuchados y defender la gestión de esta entidad. Estamos seguros que el Presidente nos va a escuchar a cada uno de nosotros y por supuesto nos vamos a dar conocer como municipio y como estado”. María de Hernández, representante de la Comunidad con 40 años como trabajadora social [caption?] “Espero que sea un medio donde pueda dirigirse la comunidad a exponer los problemas y los avances que se hacen a diario, pues es un beneficio para todos los pobladores conocer lo que se está haciendo en cada comunidad y el Gobierno. La gente se muestra entusiasmada porque tiene la esperanza de que serán oídos”. Freddy Fernández, habitante del municipio [caption?] “A través de RNV vamos a tener un medio que no se deje influenciar por los sectores capitalistas que tanto daño le han hecho a la comunicación venezolana, que usan los medios para difundir noticias que no son verdaderas y que desvirtúan la obra del gobierno, no transmiten la necesidad del pueblo sino que usan los medios para beneficio propio. Por eso tenemos fe en que en RNV vamos a tener una participación directa para nosotros poder decir lo que realmente tenemos que decir, o sea que va a darnos -al soberano- los espacios que necesitamos”. Diones España, representante de dos comunidades del sector Andrés Blanco I y II y el sector campesino la Matica [caption?] “Es buena la idea de esta radio porque uno de los principales problemas es que tenemos que pasar muchos filtros para ser escuchados y no llega a las personas que de verdad deben escucharnos y las peticiones, los proyectos y los avances se quedan en el aire. Esta radio es la mejor noticia porque seguro que el Presidente nos va a escuchar, en las emisoras regionales es difícil conseguir un espacio porque quieren tapar el sol con un dedo”. (via José Miguel Romero2, dxldyg via DXLD) The only real news here is the naming of the SW site. What else could they call it?? (gh, DXLD) {Well, we can add that it`s a long-term project involving more than 30 antennas, which is a meaningless figure unless we know what kind of antennas; surely not one aimed every 12 degrees of azimuth! -gh} ** VENEZUELA. VENEZUELA AXES THE SIMPSONS AS BAD FOR KIDS Venezuela has forced US cartoon The Simpsons of its airwaves, calling the show a potentially bad influence on children, and filled its morning slot with reruns of the beach-and-bikini show Baywatch. The Simpsons’ satirical take on a dysfunctional American family had been shown, dubbed into Spanish, on the Televen network at an 11 am slot. “Today I believe they started broadcasting something else,” said a spokesman at Venezuela’s broadcasting regulator Conatel. “They were infringing many things in the television and radio social responsibility law.” Conatel said it started proceedings against the morning airing of the show after complaints from viewers. Televen has replaced the long- running and popular cartoon with Baywatch Hawaii, late seasons of the Baywatch series that made actress Pamela Anderson a household name. 20th Century Fox Television, which owns The Simpsons and is part of News Corp , said it was not immediately able to comment on the decision to pull The Simpsons. The long-running show was once criticized by former US President George H W Bush but is now a major US cultural reference. Many Venezuelan television stations fill their schedules with reruns of old US series and Latin American soap-operas (Source: Reuters April 9th, 2008 - 12:33 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 1550 | ALGERIA | RASD Clandestine, Rabouni, APR 8 2324 - Spanish talk with Saharaui mention, then Arabic style guitar music; very good, way over domestics and pretty much taking out 1548 Kuwait. 6300 kHz (usual SW parallel) only had blank or severely- undermodulated carrier (Mark Connelly, WA1ION, Rockport, MA, USA, (GC= 42.667 N / 70.621 W) (= 42Â 40' N / 70Â 37' W), (Granite Pier) site-related info at http://home.comcast.net/~dx_lab/dx_clams_2005.htm Receiver: Drake R8A, Phasing Unit: DXP-6A, Antennas: cardioid array on roof of car = Vertical: 3.7 m whip (MFJ-1956) to 81:1 xfmr to DX Engineering RPA-1, amp + Loop: Micro-SuperLoop, square, 2 m per side, with 16:1 xfmr to DX Engineering RPA-1 amp on east bottom corner and 5K potentiometer on west corner, NRC-AM via DXLD) Polisario Front 6300. Re DXLD 8-043, 06 Apr '08. ``Seems the SW had been off for a while; had no reports of it (gh, DXLD)" Glenn, As far as my observations can tell, 6300 has not been inactive, nor 1550 which is my favourite frequency when observing them. What may happen on occasions is that the transmitter is off for brief periods during a normal broadcast. Sometimes, audio is simply gone for seconds or a few minutes, then back to normal again. It happened y/day, 11 April, for instance (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6300, 04+05+07/4 2015-2317, R. Nacional Saharaui, melodias beduinas, reports in AA, 2315 in SS, http://www.saharatik.com/web/95#comment-613 good/v.good (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX- NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE. 4828, 04+07/4 1915-2220, VOICE OF ZIMBABWE, AFRO POP songs NO STOP, no id. suff/good. That's all folks !!!!! wishing to you good dxs !!!!! (Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini, BOC-12 DX- NIGHTS REPORT BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA), Italy, AOR AR7030, AR5000, AR3000A-DX, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-14, CIAO RADIO H101, DEGEN 1103, SANGEAN ATS 909, REDSUN RP2100, GRUNDIG SAT. 700. ANT.: WELLBROOK LFL 1010, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1710, ??? 4/7 2320 [probably 0320 UT April 8] - Mixing with the Boston station, also strong at times, also in French, but very different French. Slow non-Caribbean French by man and occasional old ballads that sounded like 1940s music. Is there Canadian pirate on this frequency? (RWK-CT) (Rick Kenneally, Wilton CT, Drake R8B, Sony ICF2010, Quantum Phaser and Loop, various long wires in the woods, NRC-AM via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Checked 3200.13 this morning April 11 from 0900 to 1100 UT. Only heard the usual carrier, but no audio (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, NRD545, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi all, If anyone is interested, that harmonic I've been trying to ident on 3200.13 is fading in now. I think it may be better this morning. 0925 UT Sat 4/12/08 (Chuck Bolland, ibid.) 3200.14v, Harmonic seem weaker this week than last. Several South Florida dxers, notably Charles Bolland, reporting this. 12 April (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach, South Florida, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Brazil, 6039.64, 0940-0950 April 11 --- Correct my unID of April 10, 2008 on 6039.61 kHz to read language is Portuguese vice Spanish. The signal is better this morning allowing for easier copy. It's been suggested that this might be Rádio Clube Paranaense slightly off frequency? QRM and splatter are very strong, so any ID at this point is beyond my capabilities. Signal was poor to threshold (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston FL, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Re DXLD 8-045: 7120. Probably I think it to be Mongolian of CNR-8: 1600-1700 on 7120 kHz: CRI Hindi // 5915, 7235. CNR8 Mongolian // 9645, 9890, 7935, 9420, 6140 (de Hiroshi via S. Hasegawa, Japan, NDXC-HQ, April 12, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) CNR-8 Mongolian - no way, at least what I've heard. As I've been writing earlier, the listed stations 2xChina and others are staying and heard on their near-even frequency of 7120. The unid 7120.18/7120.35 was not noted here on 11 April. [Later:] Hmmm; or was that NDXC-HQ comment of CNR8 referring to that station under CRI on even 7120? Sure, there's CNR8 clearly heard until sign-off 1700. Sorry if I misunderstood the message (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, ibid.) Mauno, I recall your 04 April message whereby you said 7120 might be Somalia, not Chad. Well, I didn't remember to check these logs of mine: 1309-1350 24 Feb, Vernacular (?), tks; 15431 1417-... 19 Mar, also Vernac., mssgs (?); 15342 and, though one should not rule off the Somalia possiblity, I think the propagation conditions at the time, paricularly in March, would have allowed propagation from as far as Somalia at times I observed. But what really matters is that 7120 is identified - was it already? [Later:] Hello again! Mauno, I decided to check even if here at home in Lisboa where conditons are a lot more adverse, and part of the result is in the attached recording where the French word for "delegate" was heard several times. Also the sort of African pops don't seem to fit into the Corner of Africa region. The observation was via the elevated K9AY and the T2FD, depending on the signal being received. I don't know whether they'll be blocked at 1600, so rushed with the recording. It would be nice, if only someone could make something out of the language heard. Time is 1559, and, yes, the channel was filled with a fluttery but stronger signal from China: music, CRI ID in English, then program in Hindi or similar. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ola Carlos, I don't think anyone has yet got a definite ID, but I think Somalia is the one that is heard on 7120.18 or 7120.37 kHz, because it is heard until 1700 and Chad is on 4905 kHz already after 1600. But Chad can be there earlier, too. Checking the carriers, I had one today on about 7119.95 and it disappeared at 1600, and presumed Chad carrier is now visible on 4904.96-7 kHz. No Somali carrier today on either of the typical fq's. [Later:] Hi again, we were there at the same time! Here no chance for audio due to strong CNR8 on exact frequency. Maybe a French speaker could listen to your clip? Did you have it a bit below like 7119.96 kHz. I think even without a definite ID we can be fairly sure that we now have BOTH Chad and Hargeisa on 7120 kHz. Chad only during daytime hours (until 1600v) a bit below the nominal fq and the Somali a bit on the upper side of the fq until 1700. Both probably irregular, Somalia more than Chad. Thank you for your help (Mauno Ritola, Finland, April 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Good afternoon, or should I say good evening? Mauno, I simply left the receiver on 7120 while using the computer, and then, probably at 1615, I suddenly heard a heterodyne. I was concetrating on writing, so didn't care much about adjusting the frequency, but I suppose this other carrier causing the het was slightly below 7120 - let me check tomorrow at the same time. At approx. 1630, i.e. only moments after checking mail and finding your two messages, CHAD 4905 was poorly readable - a sheer difference from what I could get on the SW coast place! 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Lisboa, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED. Numbers station, 1730 UT, 17436, reception 34343, Spanish five number groups. FT 2000, 2 element quad at 50 ft (N8YI, Cincinnati, Ohio, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Glenn, just a little something in appreciation for the great work you do for the shortwave community. Thank you so much. 73 (Bernie O`Shea, Ontario, with a bank money order in US funds on a US bank, so immediately negotiable, for which gh also thanks Bernie) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ EL RUIDO (QRN) OMNIPRESENTE ME MATA EL DX Si la Onda Corta siempre la tuvo difícil, en cuanto a popularidad, es este momento, pienso yo, el más negativo para el medio. La juventud hace rato que ha tomado la FM como favorita, la Internet quita casi todo el tiempo libre, hasta el de la familia y compite con ventajas frente a la TV, que ya es cable en muchos lugares, así que ni aquel accidente de pasar por el Canal 2 para detectar alguna señal de distancia queda. La declinación de la presencia de las emisoras internacionales clásicas en la onda corta, es notoria. Y se pierde la costumbre --- ya no escucho la BBC de mañana mientras tiendo mi cama antes de salir para el trabajo. Ya no escucho como antes REE, allá arriba en 13 o 17 metros, debido a la baja actividad solar. A pesar de todo cada noche paso por la Onda Corta. Pero la razón más grande por la cual he dejado de sentir placer de hacer DX es debida al avasallante nivel de ruido que se ha hecho presente a lo largo de estos últimos quince años. TV Cable, luego Internet con los monitores y procesadores, luego sumó el ADSL, luego las lámparas de bajo consumo (recuerdo que antes nada más eran los fluorescentes de la calle, algun letrero de neón, los ruidos eléctricos generados por los automóviles y más que nada las motocicletas). Recientemente, lo que me ha terminado de liquidar es la presencia cercana de una palangana de esas que se instalan para Internet inalámbrico y la canalera (el sintonizador de TV cable) digital que sustituyó al analógico. He cambiado la antena de posición alejándola unos 10 metros, pero el ruido blanco ocupa como fondo todo el espectro radial en mi receptor. Y es contínuo, las 24 horas del día. Ese letrero de "compliant with FCC rules concerning interference" que aparece en cada aparatito, atrás en el chassis, no sirve más, es un requisito legal pero que no se cumple en la vida real. ¡Es pura mentira! Justo cuando ahora es más fácil o barato conseguir un portátil para escuchar la OC, como cuando puedes conseguir una Degen DE1103 por correo, justo hay más interferencia, hay menos emisoras en castellano, menos programas tan variados. Antes, 15, 20, 25 años atrás, para tener algo decente, luego de hacer una escalera, pasando de los portátiles baratos de los inicios, de siete transistores o una radio común de mesa, hasta terminar comprando algún receptor de comunicaciones a válvulas, que terminó rompiendose por lo obsoleto y por la dificultad de conseguir repuestos. Andá ahora a conseguir válvulas, o filtros para la fuente de alimentación. Tuve la fortuna de saber lo que es escuchar radio con un aparato como el Hammarlund HQ180! Justo cuando llega la Internet nos comunica al instante las novedades para compartir, hay menos cazas DX de las que hacer saber. Aún a contra nuestra voluntad, nos están echando de la OC todos esos factores, pero pongo al factor ruido en primer lugar. Y nadie ha estado haciendo mucha protesta. Sólo se ha protestado contra el BPL (internet por línea eléctrica), o contra el DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). En Buenos Aires, Argentina, mi gran metrópolis vecina, ya no se podía hacer DX hace 10 años. Hoy la situación ha llegado a Montevideo, donde vivo. Hay que salir al campo a tratar de sacar algún "pescadito" raro. Ganas no faltan.... Saludos cordiales, (Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay, April 10, noticiasdx yg via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING DRM: see also FRANCE, and just above, REF ++++++++++++++++++++ DTV: see OKLAHOMA. IBOC: see MEXICO DRM DEMOS AT WINTERFEST Thanks to the attendees for the warm reception we received for our DRM presentations at the Winter SWL Fest in Pennsylvania. Thanks also to the international broadcasters who sent special DRM transmissions our way at the event. When tuned to a solid DRM signal, it can be easy to forget you are listening to shortwave because the quality is so much better than AM. Most of my presentation concerned low-power local broadcasting at 26 MHz. I was joined by Don Messer, who explained how skywave propagation in this band is unlikely to materially disturb local DRM service. Don is the former spectrum chief at the IBB, which administers VOA and other US stations. He chaired the DRM Technical Committee for several years. We also introduced the concept of wide-coverage domestic DRM stations, using higher power levels (kilowatts) in bands other than 26 MHz. The FCC does not permit such stations today. To our knowledge, they have never been proposed to the Commission. We anticipate experimental stations that should demonstrate the feasibility of this idea. The U.S. authorizes private SW stations at 50 kW minimum power. Licensees of those stations must finance, design and operate them to reach foreign audiences. The expensive technical obligations and antiquated regulations imposed on US international broadcast stations are unnecessary for a domestic audience. I corrected some widely circulated misinformation about the FCC and DRM and tried to paint a realistic picture of this technology. I explained how ASIC*-based, multiplatform receivers now under development represent the future of DRM. Knowledgeable broadcasters and manufacturers appreciate this fact but it doesn`t seem to be widely understood in the DX community. I also tried to inject some humor into the intensely opinionated radio scene. I certainly had more fun and laughter, and learned more about radio at SWL Fest than at many events I have attended (Benn Kobb, KC5CW, IEEE, Arlington VA, April NASWA Journal via DXLD) BUT DRM RECEPTION WAS GOOD AT THE FEST After all this bad news about shortwave [cf. ISRAEL], now some good news. At the Winter SWL Festival in Kulpsville, our reception of Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) shortwave was pretty good. Most impressive was our reception of Vatican Radio. During the 2007 Fest, our trans-Atlantic DRM reception was a first, and we considered it quite an accomplishment. This year, trans-Atlantic DRM reception was routine, with Santa Maria di Galeria coming through both at 1300- 1400 and 2300-2400 UT, with few breaks in audio. Listening at 1300-1400 UT on 15515 kHz, switching to analog, the analog signal was down in the marginal conditions of the 19 meter band. It probably would rate an SIO 353. But, in DRM, it was SIO 555. TDF from Montsinéry, French Guiana, was also reliable most of the day on 17840. At one point, in analog mode, I could hear some slight co- channel interference, but it did not interfere with the DRM reception. We also had good DRM reception from Bonaire and surprise reception from Kuwait on 9770. Sackville suffered a few interruptions on 9800. HCJB Pifo popped in and out on 15485, but they were using only 4 kW. My estimation of DRM has increased since my Fest reception, but it’s still probably not robust enough for most long-haul shortwave service. Shorter-range regional service might be a different story. For a possible application of that, see TCI’s hypothetical regional DRM station http://www.tcibr.com/regional-short-wave.html located in Syracuse, New York. And for local DRM on the little-used 26 MHz shortwave broadcast band, see Benn Kobb’s http://www.26MHz.us Less encouraging at the Fest was the lack of a standalone DRM receiver. In 2004, when we first exhibited DRM reception at the Fest, we had a prototype standalone DRM receiver that worked well, even with just a whip antenna in the exhibit room. Since then, we’ve had to schlep with receivers connected to PCs. At the Fest, our main receiver was to have been the Palstar R30CC, which has a convenient 455 kHz IF output jack, which would have been connected to an Elad 455-to-12 kHz IF downconverter, then into a PC. But the Palstar was not available due to production problems at the Ohio factory. An Icom black box receiver provided by Eric Cottrell, and a Winradio brought by Mike Rohde, saved the day (Kim Andrew Elliott, Kim`s Column, April NASWA Journal via DXLD) Kim only gives the center frequency for DRM, not the 10-kHz wide band, and we have not changed his original citations here (gh, DXLD) LANGUAGE LESSONS see also: GOA, MACAU ++++++++++++++++ Ode to the Spell Checker. Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew. (Copied from a posting on the restaurant forum, on the topic of typos and errors in menus, via Will Martin, DXLD) ###