DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-094, August 8, 2007 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2007 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1370: ** semi-permanent Wed 2200 WBCQ 7415 [first airing of each edition] Wed 2300 WBCQ 18910-CLSB or 17495-CLSB Thu 0600 WRMI 9955** Thu 1430 WRMI 7385 Thu 1500 KAIJ 9480 Fri 0630 WRMI 9955** Fri 1030 KAIJ 5755 Fri 1100 WRMI 9955** Fri 2030 WWCR1 15825 Sat 1630 WWCR3 12160 [irregular; confirmed Aug 4] Sat 2130 WRMI 9955 Sun 0230 WWCR3 5070 Sun 0630 WWCR1 3215 Sun 0800 WRMI 9955 Sun 1500 WRMI 7385 Mon 0300 WBCQ 9330-CLSB [irregular] Mon 0415 WBCQ 7415 [time varies] Mon 0530 WRMI 9955** Mon 0930 WRMI 9955** Tue 1030 WRMI 9955** Wed 0730 WRMI 9955** WORLD OF RADIO, CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL SCHEDULE: Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://new.wrn.org/listeners/stations/station.php?StationID=24 WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS VIA WRN NOW AVAILABLE: http://www.wrn.org/listeners/stations/podcast.php OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO [also CONTINENT OF MEDIA, MUNDO RADIAL] http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org ** ANTARCTICA. LRA 36, San Gabriel, on 15476 at 1907 with Spanish songs. 1930 full ID and info, signal from S point 3 to sometimes S9 peaks. Good audio, at 1943 weaker...1945 S= 0, no audio. RX NRD 545, best antenna longwire 25 meter. Gr (Maurits Van Driessche from Belgium, Aug 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hallo Maurits, Gisteren hielden ze er ook ook 1945 UT plotseling mee op. Groeten, (Ton Timmerman, Netherlands, Aug 7, BDX via DXLD) ** BANGLADESH. The website has been updated and shows 4750, 7250 and 9550 kHz http://www.betar.org.bd/progSch.htm But http://www.betar.org.bd/ExterSch.htm still indicates 7185! (JM Aubier, France, Aug 6, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Unfortunately the time schedule for the Domestic Service on 4750 is not mentioned. Previously it was 0000-0430 and 1200-1500, but in June I learned that it was changed to 0830-1700 and it disappeared here at their usual morning sign on at 0000 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD) I also not heard Bangladesh Betar in the morning for a long time (T. R. Rajeesh, Kerala, India, Aug 04, ibid.) ** BHUTAN. 6035.06, Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Thimpu, *0000-0040 fade out, Jul 26, 28, 30, Aug 03 and 08, Dzongha announcement, Carrier sign-on 2358, Horn fanfares, choir of Buddhist monks intoning - back on the air! Signalstrength stayed at a stable level until 10 minutes before total fade out. According to my calculations, the fade out began 60 minutes after sunrise at the point where the radiosignal first penetrated the E-layer on its way towards Denmark. 34343, QRM Colombia 6035 which increased in strength. Bhutan was not heard on Aug 04 (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. R. Universitaria, 4732, currently being recorded from 0201 tune July 23 to past 0255 (nominal s/off is 0207) with pop songs, including announcements that were difficult to copy. Program peaking around 0210-0230. SINPO 24332, but at times during peak near S3 with music selections. RTTY was light, and only I-4 and intermittent. Carrier finally off at 0310; the audio had faded to S1 by then (Bruce W. Churchill, CA, DXplorer July 29, via BC-DX Aug 7 via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL – O governo brasileiro deve anunciar, nos próximos dias, o padrão de rádio digital que será adotado no país. A escolha não será por apenas um dos sistemas, o norte-americano IBOC. O governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva vai optar por um sistema híbrido composto da seguinte forma: o IBOC para FM e OM e o DRM – Digital Radio Mondiale para as ondas curtas. O sistema híbrido criado pelo Conselho Consultivo de Rádio Digital deverá ser instituído por meio de um decreto presidencial. O grande trunfo dos radiodifusores para convencer a população a comprar os receptores digitais de DRM será o fato de que o sinal chegará aos ouvintes com som semelhante ao de um CD. As informações são do site Coletiva.Net. BRASIL – A digitalização pode acabar com as pequenas emissoras de rádio do Brasil. O alerta é do coordenadorgeral do Fórum Nacional Pela Democratização da Comunicação, jornalista Celso Schröeder. "O padrão norteamericano possui elevado custo e inviabilizará as rádios comunitárias e boa parte das emissoras comerciais do país", disse. As informações são do site Coletiva.Net. BRASIL – Desde Marília (SP), Ivan Evangelista informa que fez, recentemente, visita de cortesia à Rádio Clube. A emissora, até bem pouco tempo, podia ser captada na freqüência de 3235 kHz. Lá, foi informado pelo pessoal da estação que a antena de ondas tropicais já foi desmontada. Antes disso, algum material havia sido vendido ao proprietário da ex-Rádio Guarujá Paulista, de Guarujá (SP), jornalista Orivaldo Rampazo. Lembramos que a Guarujá, agora, chama-se Rádio Globo Santos, já que o jornalista Rampazo está afastado da direção da estação e o novo administrador optou em retransmitir grande parte da programação do Sistema Globo de Rádio. BRASIL – A Rádio Educadora, de Limeira (SP), prossegue sendo captada em 2380 kHz, em 120 metros. Recentemente, foi sintonizada, em São Paulo (SP), pelo Denis Zoqbi. De acordo com ele, a estação tem regular sintonia sempre por volta de 0050. Ele ouviu a identificação e a divulgação do site institucional da emissora que é o http://www.educadoraam.com.br BRASIL - Desde o mês de abril passado a Rádio Baré, de Manaus (AM), que transmite em 1440 e 4895 kHz, passou a se chamar Rádio Globo Manaus. Ela deixou de transmitir a programação da Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor. Entre 1000 e 1600, a programação é local. A estação de ondas tropicais, em 4895 kHz, está no ar entre 2000 e 0400. Os contatos com a emissora podem ser feitos com Kátia Cilene, pelos endereços eletrônicos: adm @ radiobare.com.br e manhadaglobo @ radiobare.com.br As informações são de Paulo Roberto e Souza, de Tefé, no AM (Célio Romais, Panorama, @tividade DX August 5 via WORLD OF RADIO 1370 [last item only], DXLD) ** BULGARIA. Have noted the background noise on Radio Bulgaria transmitters. 5900 at 2100, and also at 0630 UT on both 9600 and 11600. Best Regards (Christopher Lewis, UK, Aug 6-7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Last I checked, CHHA-1610 Toronto was signing off at midnight ELT [0400 UT] with O Canada? You guys out west getting tentative reception might listen at that time and see if the het disappears. Assuming of course that the carrier is not left on overnight. Do any of the others play O Canada at a regular time?? Would make for a good tentative ID (Steve Francis, Alcoa, Tennessee, Aug 6, IRCA via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DXLD) ** CANADA. An impossible work schedule has kept me away from the dials for weeks now, though I have been following the discussions of the new Greek language station testing on 1690 kHz. Got home late from a shoot tonight, and flipped on the dials; hearing a pretty strong het on 1690 when the receiver is in USB mode. Switching to LSB, and it disappears. It`s after 3 AM Central time. Any ideas what the source might be? (Les Rayburn, director, High Noon Film, Birmingham, AL 35216, Aug 7, NRC-AM via DXLD) Les, CHTO Toronto is the likely source. It's easy to separate it from the other stations on 1690 here in the northeast, (I have them right now, at 7 am EDT on USB with Greek music). The het has been heard by DXers as far away as the west coast as well, although no one there has reported audio (yet). On my SDR-IQ display, their signal on 1690.7 is nearly as strong as the others on 1690 so I'm not surprised it's putting out a strong het so far away (Brett Saylor, Central PA, ibid.) CHTO is definitely the source of the 1690.7 signal - they're dominating the channel here. I was considering giving them a call to let them know about the problem, but maybe the offset enhances the DXability of the station for you folks out west, so I'll hold off on that (Barry McLarnon, VE3JF, Ottawa, ON, Aug 7, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Dear Mr Mbami, I have heard about Radio ICDI some months ago being on the air. However, I have seen no recent reports of it. Could you please confirm whether or not Radio ICDI has been or is currently on the air on 6030 kHz, or another frequency? And at what hours? Thanks, (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO to Josue Mbami, Radio ICDI, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear Glenn, 1. Yes, I confirm this information about Radio ICDI. 2. We work on 6030 kHz at 6:00 to 9:00 AM and 05:00 to 08:00 PM [0500-0800 & 1600-1900 UT] 3. Radio ICDI use now French, Sango, Fufulde, Bayaka languages. 4. We are looking for financial aids to support our workers because we need to add supplementary hours to the old ones. 5. CAR population appreciate very much Radio ICDI program and all country hears our radio now. Thanks, (Josue Mbami, Radio ICDI, Coordinator, Central African Republic, August 7, WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) So our best (only) chance to hear Boali in NAm remains at *0500 UT Mondays, when Cuban jamming and Martí are in truce, but then CFVP and who knows what else are the obstacles. Of course that is close to local sunrise in CAR, so the window won`t last long, but being almost equatorial, varies little during the year (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I realize it is not your mission to be heard anywhere outside the CAR, but I am very curious to know if you are aware of any credible reception reports from other continents, or even other parts of Africa? At one point 7160 was mentioned as an alternate frequency. Was this ever used or do you plan to use anything but 6030? Thanks, (Glenn Hauser to Jim Hocking, via DXLD) We have been heard in Congo Brazzaville, DRC, across the border in Cameroon and some in Chad. We know that we are in Sudan a ways but not sure how far. NO not yet on 7160 as we need to purchase another transmitter for $7000.00 Always looking for funding...smile (Jim Hocking, Director ICDI, Aug 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. R. Internacional da China puts a good signal into CNAm, despite being beamed NE from CVC Chile, on 9870, in Portuguese to Brasil, Aug 8 at 1153 about ethnic folk music from Sinkiang; 1155 gave schedule in that language including ``17625`` for this 8-9 am Brasília time broadcast! But their B-season frequency for this was 15540, and A-season 9870, with 17625 in Chinese and English not coming on until 1200. Why don`t they know this back in Beijing? Have none of their Brasilian listeners brought this to their attention? Now that this has been pointed out in DXLD, they have no excuse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake/music jamming against SoH, 7300 (poor), 9200 (poor), 10300 (poor), 13970 (fair-good), 18180 (fair-good) from 0755- 0800*, *0805-0808, on August 5. During same time period noted Firedrake // against VoA (Thailand) on 13740, which was in Chinese and English (recording of Bush), but with continuous jamming, no 5 minute gap (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. Re 7-093: Recordings of La Cantaleta and its sibling El Pereque on revamped Radio Santa Fé website http://www.radiosantafe.com/quienes-somos/historia-programas There are many more recordings available, some of which very pleasing to hear for someone who sent them their first report from overseas in 1960 when they came on the air on 4965, just next to Radiodifusora Nacional which offered a glorious signal on 4955. The Radio Santa Fé news department is now being headed by Edgar Artunduaga, who used to be on Caracol´s La Luciérnaga, where he was playing the role of the man who was always telling the truth on a program where most news items are referred to in a playful, witty and distorted manner. Artunduaga is sharp and has a perfect voice. Yeah, I know that you know how to pronounce La Voz de Antioquia, which, by the way, was on 750, not 770, huh (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden? DX LISTENING DIGEST) Is still 750 HJDK anyway, as Caracol Colombia, Medellín, per WRTH. There were a number of frequency changes at some point, or am I totally misremembering? Was it ever on 770, like in the early sixties? (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) ** CUBA. RHC missing from usual monstrous signal on 15370, Aug 8 at 1358, but audible on weak 15190 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 1180, Radio Rebelde; local daytime obs, 5 August, 2007: the flagship Rebelde transmitter, the powerhouse at 1180 kc/s is -- after about a year – almost back to the old massive power-spewing days of past. No longer are 2-3 unsynched transmitters on the channel and making the frequency useless to listen to (well, they are still but the big one is back and dominating). During quieter periods (i.e., newscast summaries at the top-of-hour), I still hear some echoes from the 2 other transmitters. But the big 'un is closer to the old level than it has been in ages. This must have happened in the past few days, and hopefully will continue. If they can just crank it up another 10-25 kW, the world will be perfect again (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. 1180, FLORIDA, Radio Martí, Marathon; 0045-0048 7 August, 2007. Oddly, coming in nicely through Rebelde up here tonight (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [non]. Hello Mr. Hauser: I've been using your DX/SWL/Media program list recently, and today I noticed a change that needs to be made. I tried tuning in DX Partyline at 1500 UT [Monday] on WRMI but there was no signal. I checked the WRMI website and found the schedule for DX Partyline and I guess they've changed it. Here is the DX Partyline schedule from the WRMI website. 1130-1145 UTC Saturday on 9955 kHz 0500-0515 UTC Sunday on 9955 kHz 1530-1445 UTC Sunday on 7385 kHz I have not confirmed these times or frequencies through my own listening. I will try to check them all this coming weekend. Thanks for putting together/publishing the program lists. I hope this information helps you maintain this accurate, useful DXing tool (Christopher Friesen, C.E.T., VE4CWF, Rosenfeld, MB, CANADA, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn: I have updated the DXPL listing on the web page. Here it is, with the current broadcast times. Jeff White ----------------- HCJB - The Voice of the Andes DX Partyline Casilla 17-17-691 Quito, Ecuador E-mail: dxpl @ hcjb.org.ec http://www.hcjb.org/mass_media/dx_partyline/dx_partyline.html DXing is the hobby of shortwave -- or distance -- listening, and it is so much fun! How exciting it is to "catch" a station from far, far away! Get more out of this hobby by listening to the DX Partyline with 15 minutes of DX tips, loggings, news, special features and more. Your host is Allen Graham. Broadcast Schedule: 1030 UTC Saturday on 9955 kHz 0400 UTC Sunday on 9955 kHz 1530 UTC Sunday on 7385 kHz 1500 UTC Monday on 7385 kHz 0600 UTC Tuesday on 9955 kHz 1000 UTC Tuesday on 9955 kHz 1500 UTC Tuesday on 7385 kHz 0800 UTC Wednesday on 9955 kHz 1530 UTC Wednesday on 7385 kHz 0630 UTC Thursday on 9955 kHz 1100 UTC Thursday on 9955 kHz 1145 UTC Friday on 9955 kHz 1530 UTC Friday on 7385 kHz English (Jeff White, WRMI, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Aventura Diexista HCJB La Voz de los Andes Casilla: 1717691 Quito-Ecuador Teléfono: +593 2 226-6808 Correo electrónico: amigos@hcjb.org.ec http://www.vozandes.org/Radio/Programacion/Programacion-AM.html Un programa DXista de 15 minutos producido por Allen Graham y Juan Carlos Chimarro de HCJB en Quito, Ecuador. Horarios de Transmisión via WRMI: 1045 UTC Sábado en 9955 kHz 0415 UTC Domingo en 9955 kHz 1015 UTC Lunes en 9955 kHz 1515 UTC Lunes en 7385 kHz 0415 UTC Martes en 9955 kHz 1015 UTC Martes en 9955 kHz 1515 UTC Martes en 7385 kHz 0515 UTC Miércoles en 9955 kHz 0815 UTC Miércoles en 9955 kHz 1115 UTC Miércoles en 9955 kHz 1545 UTC Miércoles en 7385 kHz 0015 UTC Jueves en 9955 kHz 0645 UTC Jueves en 9955 kHz 1115 UTC Jueves en 9955 kHz 1545 UTC Viernes en 7385 kHz (Jeff White, WRMI, Aug 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) V. also SINGAPORE [non] ** ESTONIA. Tallinn Volmet, 4645 kHz. Full data QSL-letter in 24 days for report in English. Address: Head of CNS-ATM Department Estonian Air Navigation Services Lennujaama tee 2 11101 Tallinn Estonia Information from letter: "The station "Tallinn Volmet" is "Polosa" with a normal 0.8 kW output power. The beacon has 3m rod antenna at ca. 14m height. The station is used for broadcasting Tallinn/Ulemiste Airport ATIS information (meteorological data, runway conditions, etc.) on a continuous schedule" (Andrei Skorodumov, Yaroslavl, Russia, Aug 6, HCDX via DXLD) ** FINLAND. 11690, Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat, 2235-2300, Aug 03, and 2050-2100*, Aug 04, with Finnish and English announcements, requesting reception reports, playing "Finlandia" by Jean Sibelius until sudden sign-off 2059, 33343. It was also heard with parallel very, very weak and disturbed signals on 1602 MW and 6170 at 2245 (Bredahl Jorgensen and Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD) 11720, Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat, 0740-1210, Aug 04, Finnish, boring and strange music, many IDs in Finnish and a few announcments in English as well. Several Beatles-tracks. Later English program, 33443 (Anker Petersen and Bjarke Vestesen, Thuroe, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD) ** GABON. Hola: De nuevo hoy en el aire emisora Afropop con la música habitual y en la misma frecuencia. En estos momentos --17660 a las 1503 UT, Sinpo 44444, interfiriendo fuertemente a BSKSA en francés en la misma frecuencia. Cordialmente, (Tomás Méndez Losa, Spain, Aug 7, RX: GRUNDIG SATELLIT 700, SONY ICF SW7600GR, ICOM IC-R2, DEGEN 1103, logsderadio yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DXLD) ** GEORGIA. GEORGIA/RUSSIA --- Not on the air or weak signal? For week time here is no trace of the transmitter on 9495 kHz. (July 31). (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, wwdxc BC-DX July 31 via DXLD) [RUSSIA/GEORGIA] The transmitters on 9495 and 9535 kHz used by Abkhaz, Sochi, Kuban, Rossii Radios are silenced (or not heard here) since when Sochi was elected as a Olympic game's City (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, wwdxc BC-DX Aug 3 via DXLD) ** GERMANY. AN ELVIS SPECIAL WITH A GERMAN TWIST Thanks to a tip from DXer Mark Coady a year or so ago, I've been enjoying the program "Hits in Germany" from Deutsche Welle, which I usually listen to online. This week's show, posted today, Aug 7, is an Elvis special, with a difference. With next week's 30th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley, Deborah Friedman has put together a program "surveying Elvis Presley's impact on German music." Stories of Elvis' army time in Germany (including a particularly funny story about Elvis doing guard duty), a German cover of Blue Suede Shoes (mostly so-so), covers in English by German singers, and of course, his 1961 hit Wooden Heart, part of which is in Swabian, a German dialect. Excellent, interesting program. Personally, I would have preferred a few more songs in German, but that`s me. Enjoy the show, but don't step on my blauen Wildlederschuhe. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,1595,4703,00.html (Fred Waterer, Ont., ODXA yg via DXLD) ** GERMANY. 6190, Deutschlandfunk; 2353-0015 1 August, 2007. Per Crawford tip, slow vocals, time sounder at 0000, news by man till 0005, ID and brief talk by man about Igor Stravinsky, into classical violin and other instruments by presumed said composer. Fair-poor (squished by stations on both sides). Parallel http://www.dradio.de (admittedly, where I captured the 0005 ID). (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. Re: Berlin 6005 knocked off by fire Update: The failed/damaged part has been specified as a resin-filled transformer which presumably suffers from a short circuit in its coils. I understand that it is the transformer which generates the plate current, and it appears that the initial reports about a fire were a bit melodramatic. It is still unclear if it will be feasible to repair the transmitter. Btw, the current mediumwave equipment at Berlin-Britz consists of two new 100 kW transmitters, in use with 100 kW AM carrier power on 990 and 25 kW DRM power on 855. Deutschlandradio had contracted the installation of these transmitters as well as two new FM transmitters of 10 kW each to Media&Broadcast, cf. [English] http://www.t-systems-mediabroadcast.de/tsi/en/167232/Home/Television/References/DeutschlandRadio-st (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 4850, AIR-Kohima, full-data Sun Temple card via New Delhi for a Jan 2000 reception, after a number of tries by both postal and e-mail. SAE, mint stamps and address label all sent in the earlier postal mail follow-ups; none were used. V/S is the new director, V. P. Singh. I know it wasn't the last follow-up I sent, which was on Jul 20 to the new director, since the card was postmarked July 12. I mistakenly said the Khampur QSL I received in June was the 23rd transmitter site, when it was the 24th. This makes Kohima the 25th Indian station verified from NY and last outstanding report I have for Indian stations (John Sgrulletta, NY, DXplorer Aug 6 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** INDIA [and non]. Dear friends, August 08, 2007 --- In the media we have learned about the extraordinary heavy Monsoon rain in Northern and Central India, in Nepal and Bangladesh early August with millions of people fleeing the floods. Furthermore heavy heat waves have hit South Eastern and Southern Europe. We hope that our members there are safe. Our Indian member, Alokesh Gupta, quoted this report from Abhay Mohan Jha in Patna on NDTV on Aug 05: "In Bihar, the flood situation is getting from bad to worse but a radio station is creating wave. Bablu Paswan, a farmer, has fled to the safety of national highway from his flood-submerged village in Darbhaga district of Bihar. The tractor is his new abode. The radio is a steady friend, getting him news from across the border FM radio channel. Apart from food and water, there is also hunger for news. ''The news we are listening to about this is from Nepal,'' says Paswan. Although the local radio station is jammed [sic], yet their radio sets are attracting people at various places in the marooned city for latest updates. ''The local radio station is closed and whatever we are listening to is coming from Nepal radio,'' says Suresh Kushawaha, a paan shop owner. ''Our transmission is closed, as the transmitter is submerged underwater,'' informs PK Thakur, Station Engineer, AIR, Darbhanga. In this flood-hit and marooned district of Darbhanga, all communication has snapped. People are not getting newspapers, and with the local radio station submerged in water and quiet, the only source of information is the Nepalese FM radio channel called Radio Janakpur" (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD ** INDIA. FM Radio banned in Calcutta --- From radiotoday.co.uk: Listening to the radio whilst driving has been banned in a town near Calcutta, India after it emerged two students have been killed in radio related incidents there. Police have seized the licence of 200 motorists who were caught listening. Schools in the town of Asansol, which is 240km for Calcutta, are also checking children’s bags for portable radio sets, to stop them listening in class. It comes after a radio station was launched for the first time in the area last month, and a second one is due next week. The first student to perish died because the driver of a tractor was not concentrating on the road whilst listening to the radio, and knocked him off his bike. The second student had earphones on whilst he tried to over-take a bus but didn’t notice a second vehicle (via Dave Alpert, ABC News, Los Angeles, DXLD) ** INDONESIA, 9680, RRI Jakarta. I have randomly checked around 0930- 1100 for the past three weeks, with no results. This is longer than usual for them to be off the air (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Ron, same impression like yours. I'd rather was thinking that the weak audio I was getting on 9680 was in fact RRI Jakarta beaming at low power. Well, could it be I'm receiving that weak signal you don't on my ICF7600GR, at around 1200 when I use to check on weekends or holidays. Strange if I see you are now playing in major league with that Etón E1 and not your usual E5. Something like changing from a Hyundai to a BMW. How well it works with your T2FD? 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, ibid.) Hola Raúl, In the past, RRI Jakarta was fairly consistent for me, with fair reception. Often I could enjoy the KGRE programs in English on Wed. & Sun. (1000-1020 UT), but have not heard them on 9680 for some time now. After 1100, RRI was always covered by the firedrake/music jamming against Taiwan, which was broadcasting in Chinese. This combination was just too strong for RRI reception. My new Etón E1 is nice and I am having fun adjusting to it. As many others have noted, it's an excellent receiver! My T2FD is down just now, so the E1 is doing fine with just the whip antenna (Ron Howard, ibid.) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Endeavour ready to go (Anyone supply their frequencies please?) The shuttle Endeavour's countdown is ticking toward a launch tonight at 22:36 GMT, with no significant technical problems and with forecasters now predicting an 80 percent chance of good weather. The high-profile mission to the International Space Station features several spacewalks. Crew member Barbara Morgan, a 55-year-old elementary school teacher-turned-astronaut has waited 21 years for a chance to become the first teacher in Space. Astronauts will install a 2-ton solar array spacer segment on the ISS, replace a gyroscope, install a 3.5-ton external equipment storage platform and bring fresh water and more than 2 tons of hardware and supplies to the ISS. Flight Day One highlights provide a summary of all events on launch day, from the crew breakfast after wake-up until the end of the crew day in orbit, six hours after lift-off. Please note that the line-up time for this SCPC feed is 5 minutes. Please note that NASA-TV scheduling is subject to last-minute changes More background information can be found on http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/MM_NTV_Breaking.html Transmission details: Eutelsat Atlantic Bird at 12.5 degrees West Transponder F5, channel D (SCPC) horizontal, F=12.652 MHz, SR=6.1113 Ms/sec, FEC=3/4 For the latest transmission schedule, go to http://television.esa.int For enquires on transmissions, send a mail to claus.habfast @ esa.int or call +31 71 565 3838. For ordering video tapes and questions on footage via ftp-transfer, please contact television @ esa.int http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=24975 (via Mike Terry, Aug 8, dxldyg via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [non]. "BBC" Pirate Essex (LV18) returning to the air between Thur 9 - Tues 14 August Hi all, The former light vessel LV18 is apparently due to return to air as a special event BBC "pirate" station operating between 6 am on Thursday 9th August and then go off air at 3 pm on Tuesday 14th August. [0500 UT Aug 9 to 1400 UT Aug 14] History of radio essex: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_radio_in_Europe#United_Kingdom_.28From_international_waters.29 "...Radio DJs established by 1960s era pirate stations are reuniting to broadcast legally off the Essex coast..." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/essex/6935580.stm LV18 homepage (doesn't appear to have been updated since last event): http://www.bbc.co.uk/essex/pirate/ Other articles: http://tinyurl.com/3bnzjs http://www.radiotoday.co.uk/e107_plugins/suggestions_menu/suggestions.php?0.view.62.2.0 73's (Richard L. James, Aug 7, monitoringmonthly yg via DXLD) Their webpage is linked below and they will be streaming online: http://www.bbc.co.uk/essex/local_radio/pirate_bbc_essex/ (Mike Barraclough, ibid.) LV18?? Not to be confused with R. Municipal, San Rafael, Argentina on 830 kHz which really has that as a callsign (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Pirate Radio Essex Is Back BBC presenters will be taking to the sea later this week on board a former lightship to mark 40 years since the Marine Offences Bill became law. Johnnie Walker of BBC Radio 2, Emperor Rosko, Norman St John and John Kerr are just four of the DJs taking part. Programmes from the LV18 start on Thursday August 9 and continue 24- hours a day until 15:00 on Tuesday August 14 - 40 years to the day and time that nearly all the original pirate stations went off air. Tim Gillett, Programmes Editor for BBC Essex, said the original pirate DJs were queuing up to take part in this unique radio event, legally broadcasting from the bridge of the LV18. "We did a similar thing in 2004 when we celebrated 40 years since the start of pirate radio, when pirate radio, led by Radio Caroline, broadcast off the Essex coast," he said. "It was phenomenally popular, with thousands of emails and hits to the website from all over the world. "Johnnie Walker sent us a recorded message of support then - now he's here in person, taking up the 9pm-midnight slot he broadcast in way back in the 1960s. "He is also looking forward to a 'flashing' session when people in their cars on shore communicate with him by flashing their car headlights." The presenting team, which also includes BBC Essex presenters, will be heading out to sea this week along with the supplies they need for their sojourn which starts at 06:00on Thursday. As well as by tuning in to Pirate BBC Essex on 729, 765 and 1530 MW, the shows can also be heard via the BBC Essex. (Waveguide) More details and the internet connection is at http://www.bbc.co.uk/essex/pirate/ (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [non]. A celebration of offshore radio First pages of photos from Aug 4th now on the site! http://www.radiolondon.co.uk Mary Payne, Director, RADIO LONDON Ltd (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) There are many pictures of Saturday's event; also interesting information. It was a superb day (Mike Terry, ibid.) ** ISRAEL. Radio REKA in Russian (instead of programs in English, French, Spanish, using 9345, 9400, 11590, 15640) heard 1900-2000 on 9400, 11590 and 15640 kHz, featuring program "On the Speed of 78" with tango songs from the 30s in Russian. From 2000 on 11585 and 15615 only, with news in Hebrew, song "Imagine" sung by J. Lennon, etc. (August 4th). (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, wwdxc BC-DX Aug 5 via DXLD) ** ITALY. Glenn, Rai English service on 11800 at 0055 started with interval signal and ID but then straight into several selections of Italian music. No programming heard. ID at 0115, as daily broadcast to North America than I/S followed by French IDs and news on Aug. 7 - (Steve Wood, South Yarmouth, MA, WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear Glenn, I have noted the comments regarding the future of RAI Italy. Swedish is still heard three times a week at 2000 UT on 6110 and 9780 kHz but with music replacing the news bulletins in Swedish. This has happened many times in the past and is probably due to illness or holidays. However, my contact at RaiWay says the future of RAI shortwave is very bleak indeed. Overseas relays of RAI programming have already ceased and the shortwave services will close in the near future, possibly in September. It is sad to see yet another international radio station giving up direct shortwave broadcasting. But I suppose there is still a possibility of Italy remaining on shortwave albeit in a different form (Christer Brunström, Sweden, Aug 7, WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Just a few relays were via Ascension, such as 6110 and 11765 in our evenings, and one Italian broadcast via Singapore (gh, ibid.) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. More strange programming from Open Radio for North Korea, Aug 8 at 1150 on KWHR 9930: Bossa Nova music seguéd into Piaf`s Vie en Rose, with Korean M&W dialog overriding; no jamming audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. Echo of Hope, 6003, 1153-1215+ Aug 3, YL with Korean talk to just past ToH; after a brief music bridge, talk continued with M&W alternating items. Good signal, sandwiched between 6000 (RHC) and 6005 stations and \\, as usual, to 3985 and 6348 (John Wilkins, CO, DXplorer Aug 6 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9780 Nihon/Furusato No Kaze QSL. No-data letter in 11 days for an e-mail to info @ rachi.go.jp thanking me for my reception report and stating they do not issue verification cards. Also enclosed three "For the Return of All of the Abductees" brochures with info in English on the abduction issue and photos of and data on a number of the abductees. Return address on letter and envelope: Policy Planning Division, Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, Cabinet Secretariat, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 8968, Japan. Some sites call 9780 kHz at 1600 UT Nihon while others say it's Furusato, so I'm not sure which I heard (Wendel Craighead, KS, DXplorer Aug 2 via BC-DX Aug 7 via DXLD) 9485, Shiokaze, 1301-1329* Aug 2, English today (Thursday) with man reading news stories relating to No. Korea from Kyodo, Reuters, and other news agencies; the opening and closing routines were by a YL who mentioned, among other things, that "We may change our frequency and transmitting hour to avoid jamming wave. You never know when Shiokaze will be jammed." 9779.97, presumed Furusato no Kaze, 1608-1630* Aug 4, M&W talks in Japanese to 1624, then a couple minutes of music; closing routine by YL at 1627, including what seemed to be an address and/or website spelled out slowly; did not catch any mentions of "Furusato," "Nihon," or other ID, so still not sure which station this is; transmission ended with a long (5 sec.) tone at 1630, then off a few seconds later. Generally fair signal (John Wilkins, CO, DXplorer Aug 6 via BC-DX via DXLD) Nihon merely refers to Japan; doubt two different stations (gh) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. KBSWR English via Sackville, 9650, Aug 8 at 1202 with news of upcoming N/S summit, but with considerable CCI in French. Previously I had noticed VOK in Japanese co-channel during this hour, and Aoki shows the three-way collision: 9650 KBS WORLD RADIO 1200-1300 1234567 English 250 268 Sackville CAN 9650 R. FRANCE INT. 1200-1300 1234567 French 100 352 Tainan TWN 9650 Voice of Korea 1100-1250 1234567 Japanese 200 109 Kujang KRE Clearly it is about time KBS found a better frequency for us (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. DRM of R Kuwait starts on 9880 kHz approx. 1315 UT (not 1345). (Michael Bethge, Germany, wwdxc BC-DX July 30 via DXLD) ** KUWAIT. Kuwait transmitter sites (DXLD 7-088) >> Sulaibiyah, Kuwait, which site for some reason is a.k.a. Kabd << Perhaps from a belief that the Radio Kuwait and IBB sites are located next to each other? This doesn't appear to be the case. The Radio Kuwait site is indeed where WRTH suggests: http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=29.144311&lon=47.765867&z=14.2&r=0&src=ggl There are two mediumwave arrays of four towers each. Between the two building complexes three smaller arrays of four towers each can be seen, probably shortwave HQ's. Other shortwave antennas are various curtains, most of them grouped as S-row, two rotatable antennas of the same design as used at Sines and one ALLISS or ALLISS-like antenna. The coordinates given for the IBB site point at http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=29.513855&lon=47.678905&z=13.2&r=0&src=ggl It's hardly more than an unidentificable object in the poor satellite image here, but its location in regard to the nearby main road would indeed fit (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LAOS [non]. Hmong Lao Radio has disappeared from the WHRI schedule; had been Sat/Sun 13-14 on 11785. I think I tuned past 11785 Aug 4 or 5 and did not notice it, but assumed it was for a change under the QRM. Are the other broadcasts via Taiwan 15260 also gone? They have been 0100-0200 Wed & Fri. Checking their website http://h-lr.com this may be about that: ATTENTION: 08/07/2007 - Ib tsoom mloog sawv daws, txij lub 8 hli ntuj hnub tim 14, xyoo 2007 no mus, cov tooj cua Hmoob Los Tsuas yuav hloov mus hais lus tawm rau ntawm tshooj 12,130 Khz, hais rau Hnub Ob (Vas As Khas) thiab Hnub Plaub (Vas Phab Hav), uas yog hais thaum 7 teev txog 8 teev tsaus ntuj raws lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv teb chaws Los Tsuas. Nyob rau sab teb chaws America peb rov mus hais tawm nyob rau ntawm 11,785 Khz nyob rau Hnub Rau los sis (Vas Xaum), thiab Hnub Xya los sis (Vas As Thiv) Thaum sij hawm 8 teev txog 9 teev sawv ntxov raws lub sij hawm nyob nruab nrab teb chaws America los yog US Central Standard Time dua lawm. Thov nej ib leeg pab qhia rau ib leeg kom paub txog qhov kev hloov zaum no. Yog leej twg muaj lus nug thiab xav paub kom meej dua qhov no, thov nej yeej meem hu xov tooj los sis E-mail uaj mus rau xov tooj cua Hmoob Los Tsuas cov tub khiav dej num nyob rau ntawm: hmonglaoradioofficeusa@yahoo.com. Ua tsaug. And the latest broadcast in their audio archive is dated 7/27. Note the mention of 12130, which is a KWHR Hawaii frequency, and where, as we previously found, there are Hmong programs with different names: 1200 UT Tu. Th 0800-0900 AM [EDT] M-F [sic] Hmong World Christian Radio, Pastor Gia Tou Lee 12130 1200 Mo 0800-0900 AM M-F Radio Hmong Radio, Kou D. Her, 12130 This is the About Us page on the HLR website, presumably now outdated as to the SW transmissions: Hmong Lao Radio (HLR) is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization founded in 2002 in the state Minnesota. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Its employer identification number is (EIN) 41-1780450. In 2002, The Board of Directors of the Hmong Lao Radio (HLR) signed a contract with VT Merlin Communications Limited in London for the purpose of a news channel radio broadcasting in Hmong language to promote education, health, social, cultural, and family search. VT Merlin Communications Limited has assisted the Hmong Lao Radio to broadcast over the air through shortwave radio transmission to reach 300,000 Hmongs in the United States and 12 million Hmongs in Asia such as Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Thailand and China. Between 2002 and 2006, it has been operating a pre-recorded radio program broadcasting through shortwave radio transmission, estimated that the program has reached at least 50% of the 300,000 Hmongs in the United States and over 12 million Hmong in Asia. The program is currently broadcasting two times per week in North America on 11785 kHz every Saturday and Sunday from 8:00AM-9:00 AM Central Time; and broadcast in Asia on 15260 kHz every Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Bangkok Time, Hmong has its own dialect with a homogenous social systems and unique culture values; yet Hmong has long history of inferior levels of upward social mobility for thousands of years because Hmong has not overcome the stigma of oppression, inequality, discrimination, injustice, human rights violation, family separation and lost from the war. History shows that Hmong continue to be socially isolated living in the remote areas where they have limited contact with the central government. Hmong are considered to be one the inferior hill-tribes minorities living in the remote areas where the central governments would avoid to provide any type of development programs to promote Hmong community to advance toward social mobility. Illiteracy rate among the Hmong community in Asia is higher than 70% because Hmong continue to have limited access to public education. Children are not encouraged to go to school, over 50% of Hmong children in Asia are staying home with their parents to help with family farming. In the early 1960s, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) began to recruit the indigenous people ?Hmong? in Laos to join fighting the Vietnam War, named as ``the Special Guerrilla Unit`` leaded by General Vang Pao. Over 80% of the Hmong men in Laos were recruited by the CIA to join fighting for the U.S. Secret War in Laos. The CIA used the Special Guerrilla Unit as the counter attack unit to block the Ho Chi Minh Trail to stop the North Vietnamese force to supply military ammunitions to battle American soldiers in the South. Hmong soldiers put their lives at risk in the frontline fighting for the United States and to rescue downed American pilots. As a result, Hmong have suffered a high casualty rate, more than 40,000 Hmong were killed in the frontline, countless numbers were missing in action, thousands were injured and disable. Without the Hmong, thousands of American soldiers and pilots will not be home today with their families. Mission: The mission of the Hmong Lao Radio is to provide the most reliable news and educational promotion program from the United States to reach at least 80% of the 12 million around the world, bypassing most state- run news agency, to nurturing and shaping the Hmong community to heal the wounds resulting from the Vietnam War, which include oppression, discrimination, inequality, injustice, human rights violation, family separation and lost; will encourage and strengthen the younger Hmong generations to advance toward the aspiration of healthy civil societies through democratic values to join with the 21 century global education and economic opportunity, peace, freedom, equality and justice; and to promote health awareness education, cultural preservation and family reunion search. Main goal and objectives: The objectives of the Hmong Lao Radio broadcasting program is to provide a ``wake-up call``, ensuring that all the Hmong community in the United States and Hmong lives in the remote areas in Asia continue to receive the most reliable news and the best educational promotion program in Hmong language via radio transmission to their homes. The broadcast program will operate to bypass most state-run news agencies to reach all Hmong: to nurturing and shaping the Hmong community in the United States and around the world to heal the wounds resulting from the Vietnam War; to heal from oppression, discrimination, inequality, injustice, human rights violation, family separation and lost; which could result in social disorders such as gang related crimes, murders, domestic violence, and mental illness; to encourage Hmong parents to take the lead to enroll their children in school with courageous and support to ensure that children are staying through high school; to encourage the younger Hmong generations to join with the 21 century global education and economic opportunities; to encourage and strengthen the Hmong community to advance toward the aspiration of healthy civil societies through democratic values which include peace, freedom, equality and justice; to educate the Hmong community with health prevention education program such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and bird flu; to assist with family reunion search for the Hmong community; and to serve as the communication center for the Hmong community around the world. The HLR website also linx to a forum mostly in English and mostly about Vang Pao, not all of it positive, for whom HLR itself is trying to raise defense money: http://www.topix.net/forum/world/laos/TCCP77O4IRQGF2DAT/p10#lastPost (Glenn Hauser, OK, Aug 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBERIA [non]. Hi Glenn, Sad to say that the Star Radio/CTN signals from Meyerton on their new frequency (13760) are just not propagating to my location in California. From Ascension, on ex 9525, I had decent reception. With the Voice of Korea being slightly off frequency on 13760, I thought I might detect a slight het caused by the Star R./CTN signals, but all I get is clear VOK. At least they are propagating well to Denmark and probably to the target areas. Ron 13760, Star Radio, Monrovia, via Meyerton, *0700-0730*, Aug 07, abrupt s/on and s/off in mid-sentences, English news and comments about Liberia, 0705 ID: "The news is coming to you from Star Radio. We broadcast to you from Monrovia, Liberia". 0708 Children song and interviews about the school system, 34444. Occasional weak QRM from Voice of Korea in Russian on 13760 // 15245. Nothing heard on ex 9525. (Anker Petersen in Denmark via Ron Howard, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) also see SIERRA LEONE[non] I have my doubts 13760 is via RSA, or surely we would be hearing something. Maybe from the UK? How is 13760 received in Europe? The only Hirondelle broadcasts on the SENTECH website are R. Okapi for DR Congo, 11690/11890 tho this may not have been updated: http://www.sentech.co.za/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=191&bid=25&btitle=Frequencies&meid=205 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. 5964.94, Klasik Nasional FM via RTM, 1120-1208, August 6, in vernacular, reciting from the Qur`an, ballads, 1128-1131 Islamic call to prayer (maghrib - sunset prayer - Kuala Lumpur sunset at 1126). Prayer schedule can be found at: http://besonline.rtm.net.my/modules.php?op=modload&name=EZCMS&file=index&menu=11&page_id=14 only the call to prayer was // to Asyik FM, singing "Nasional" jingle, ToH two time pips, brief news items. Fair, above average reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALAYSIA. 6049.64, Asyik FM via RTM, 1120-1208, August 6, in vernacular, pop songs and indigenous singing/chanting, 1128-1131 Islamic call to prayer (maghrib - sunset prayer - Kuala Lumpur sunset at 1126), only the call to prayer was // to Klasik Nacional FM. ToH longer news than Klasik Nasional (not parallel), singing "Asyik FM" jingle, fair-good. Towards the end of the month I will be looking for possible special programming for the 50th anniversary of Malaysia's independence (August 31) (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEPAL. See INDIA ** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI`s latest analog frequency at 11-13, 9655, is no good here; besides being the only one aimed NW, it is also squeezed between Sackville 9650 with KBS and WHRI 9660 with BBCWS. In fact, on Aug 8 after 1200 I could not be sure RNZI was on 9655 at all, despite posted schedule on website. Former 9870 is occupied by China-via-Chile until 1200, maybe why RNZI moved, but to somewhere else? 9520 is another alternate. At least we have RNZI DRM buzzing away on 7145 in the middle of our hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Watching ep 3 of Saving Grace on TNT, UT Tue Aug 7 at 0200, I am somewhat bemused by all the Catholic stuff. Sure, there are Catholix everywhere, but they are very much a minolity in OKC, especially among Anglos. Infoplease says: Churches: Roman Catholic, 25; Jewish, 4; Protestant and others, 741. (Show me a Jewish church, please; I`d like to see one). Also one can`t help but notice the language standards of this show, or is it the entire TNT network? It`s OK to say piss, and shit, but only ``God dang`` -- I think, rather than `Gol dang`. Unfortunately I did not look up quickly enough to see how the CC handled these, but often the deaf are protected from such vileness (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAKISTAN. Re 7-092, TWO NEW MEGAWATT MEDIUMWAVE TRANSMITTERS FOR PAKISTAN ``The Director of Engineering for the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), Mukkaram Khan Niazi, says that PBC has decided to install 1000 kiloWatt mediumwave transmitters in Umerkot and Lahore to extend the range of its broadcasts to about 500 kilometres radius. . . WTFK? WTFK?`` No one has answered but I see in WRTH 2007 that the three PBC Lahore frequencies are 630, 1080, 1332, so likely one of those, but I don`t see any Umerkot mentioned --- another name or transmitter site for a city listed? Geez, in parts of NAm we can cover 500 km daytime radius with only 50 kW, on the lower MW band. But the PBC link recently to station list only shows 630 and 1080 for Lahore, and still no Umerkot (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PALESTINE [non]. Re IRAN/PALESTINE 6025, Voice Of Palestine, Voice of the Islamic Revolution in Palestine (via Iran), *1930 Jul 23 . . . (Tarek Zeidan, Egypt, SU1TZ, dxld) This service is, and has always been, just the label for the IRIB Arabic program for Palestinian listeners, like "Voice of Justice" is the label for IRIB's English service for listeners in the USA. Both are produced by IRIB, and appear on IRIB's official website (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, DXplorer Aug 6 via BC-DX via DXLD) Yes, actually Tarek Zeidan himself mentioned once that the announcers are the same as for the VOIRI Arabic service. Funny, though, why they regularly fail to mention the exclusive morning transmission (0330- 0430, now on 9610 and 11875) on their Arabic frequency page http://arabic.irib.ir/Pages/Frequency/index.asp This segment is NOT \\ with the regular VOIRI Arabic service (Mauno Ritola, Finland, DXplorer Aug 6, ibid.) ** PERU. 4826.26, Radio Sicuani, 0957-1010 Aug 7. Initially noted a single male in Spanish comments. He was followed with promos and ID at 0958 until after the hour. After the hour, music was presented along with more comments. Signal seemed to peak to fair at 1003, but quickly dropped back to poor by 1010 (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, NRD535D, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 6173.8, R Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 0126-0130, Jul 30, Spanish announcement, ID, Andean song with flute - audible only when Voice of Vietnam/Sackville had a break before their next transmission! 23332. 6193.42, UNID - could be R Cusco, Cusco, 0110-0135, Aug 03, very, very weak signal with something that sounded like music! 13121. No QRM after 0130! (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD) ** PORTUGAL. 594 kHz, 100 kW (nominal power) Muge site. Rádio Renascença is silent for weeks due to maintenance works in its 265 m tower; the station reported to me that normal operation is expected to be resume by end September / early October next. The works include replacement of many parts including the guy wires and a new coat painting. This tower is easily located via GoogleEarth. 720 kHz, 10 kW, RDP Santa Maria / Meia Légua, Faro, Algarve province. Location of the just 59-m-high tower is right to the east of Faro city, between road nº 125 and the shore. The modest height is compensated by means of a top fed capacitive circuit which I suppose consists of a few guywire-like wires sloping from the top downwards to the farthest guywires concrete anchors. I suspect this was a modification of the earlier (higher) tower because it's near the airport, westwards of Faro but haven't got any confirmation of this from the RDP yet. Like other RDP MW transmitters, the signal is received via satellite thus exhibiting a delay relative to the parallel VHF-FM network. This one is easily spotted in GoogleEarth. 783 kHz, 100 kW, Avanca site. It's been a whole year since the MCR- Média Capital Rádio group failed finally start this new site thus replacing Canidelo (south of Porto) 10 kW. The station of the group that is now on MW too is no more R. Nacional but RC(P)-Rádio Club Português once again; its music station format was dropped months ago and it became a discussion / news station. This Avanca tower includes several wires hung from the top thus allowing the station to adjust radiation to the azimuths of interest. 891 kHz, 10 kW (formerly 2 x 10 kW), Vilamoura (also written Vila Moura) site. Rádio Renascença's tower is located westwards and very near Vilamoura's marina, near the shoreline. I estimate it's a 1/4 wavelength type, so 84 m (Carlos Gonçalves (5/8-2007), Portugal, mediumwave.info via DXLD) ** ROMANIA. RRI in English, 0530-0557 UT was heard on 9655, 15435 and 17770 kHz but no trace on 11830 kHz (usually good signal here). (July 29). (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, wwdxc BC-DX July 31 via DXLD) ** SIERRA LEONE [non]. Hi Glenn, Sad to say that the Star Radio/CTN signals from Meyerton on their new frequency (13760) are just not propagating to my location in California. From Ascension, on ex 9525, I had decent reception. With the Voice of Korea being slightly off frequency on 13760, I thought I might detect a slight het caused by the Star R./CTN signals, but all I get is clear VOK. At least they are propagating well to Denmark and probably to the target areas. Ron 13760, Cotton Tree News (CTN), Freetown, via Meyerton, *0730-0800*, Aug 07, English news, 0733 ID: "This comes to you from CTN, Freetown", 0735 news in Krio, 0741 news in Limba, 0748 news in Mende and 0754 news in Temne which were abruptly cut off at sharp 0800*. The news included an item about Copenhagen, Denmark! 34444. Occasional weak QRM from Voice of Korea in Russian on 13760 // 15245. Nothing was heard on ex 9525 (Anker Petersen in Denmark via Ron Howard, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) also see LIBERIA[non] I have my doubts 13760 is via RSA, or surely we would be hearing something. Maybe from the UK? How is 13760 received in Europe? The only Hirondelle broadcasts on the SENTECH website are R. Okapi for DR Congo, 11690/11890 tho this may not have been updated: http://www.sentech.co.za/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=191&bid=25&btitle=Frequencies&meid=205 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SINGAPORE. Radio Singapore Intl National Day Parade broadcast Singapore celebrates her 42nd National Day on 9th August. Tune in to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's National Day Message on 8th and 9th August at 1135 UT on Radio Singapore International. English broadcast at 1135 on 6150, 6080 MediaCorp will broadcast the National Day Parade live on its television and radio stations on Thursday, 9th August. MediaCorp TV channels 5, 8, U and TV Mobile, and MediaCorp TV 12 - Suria and Vasantham Central - will telecast the parade from 6pm local time. The commentary on Channel 5 and TV Mobile will be in English. For Channels 8 and U, it will be in Mandarin. The commentary will be in Malay on Suria, and in Tamil on Vasantham Central. Live coverage of the parade will also be broadcast on MediaCorp Radio stations 938LIVE, Capital 95.8FM, Warna 94.2 FM and Oli 96.8FM. The radio broadcasts will start from 6.20 pm local time [1020 UT] (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, dxldyg [in advance] via DXLD) RSI`s national day message from the PM must have been what I could barely hear as scheduled, Aug 8 at 1140 on 6080; something about progress and challenges facing the island. Heavy QRM de Chinese echoic jamming on 6085 against Taiwan. // 6150 was below Pastor Melissa Scott et al., useless. Rechecked at 1210, 6080 was clearer with ID in news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SINGAPORE [non]. Wavescan on WRMI: Adventist World Radio-Asia AWR Asia/Pacific 798 Thompson Road Singapore 298186 Singapore Phone: +65-6355-2720 Fax: +65-6355-2719 E-mail: radio @ awr.org http://www.awr.org A half-hour DX program with special emphasis on Asia produced by the Asia/Pacific section of Adventist World Radio in Singapore. Broadcast Schedule on WRMI: 0830 UTC Sunday on 9955 kHz 0800 UTC Monday on 9955 kHz 0830 UTC Tuesday on 9955 kHz 0530 UTC Wednesday on 9955 kHz 1000 UTC Thursday on 9955 kHz 0600 UTC Friday on 9955 kHz (Jeff White, WRMI, Aug 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also ECUADOR [non] ** SYRIA. Surprise! Good audio on strong signal level of Radio Damascus in English at 2014 UT on 12085 kHz on July 28th (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, wwdxc BC-DX July 31 via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DXLD) ** TAIWAN. New schedule of R Taiwan International Japanese service from Aug 13: 0800-0930 on 11605 (re-broadcast of the previous day). 1100-1230 on 7130 and 9735. 1230-1400 on 7130 and 9735 (re-broadcast of 1100-1230). (Takao Miyajima, Yokohama-city, Japan, DSWCI DX Window Aug 8 via DXLD) Recall that 9735 tested for a few days several weeks ago (gh, DXLD) ** TANZANIA. GUIDE TO ISLAMIC RADIO STATIONS AUGUST 2007 Tanzania has seen a steady proliferation of Islamic media. The outlets - radio stations and weekly publications in the main - are concentrated on the mainland, where the regulatory framework is more relaxed than it is on the semi-autonomous islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. Muslims make up around 35 per cent of the country's 36 million people. Mainland Muslim populations are concentrated along the coast and in main urban centres. Nearly 80 per cent of them follow the Sunni belief. Relations between Muslims and Christians are good and Muslims occupy senior political positions, including the union presidency (Jakaya Kikwete), the union vice-presidency (Ali Muhammad Shein) and the Zanzibar presidency (Abeid Karume). The National Muslim Council of Tanzania (Bakwata, in Swahili) is the main Islamic lobby group. It was set up in 1968. The body has good relations with leading non-Muslim media owners, including the IPP Media Group. IPP's Radio One and Independent Television (ITV) have carried Islamic educational programmes. Nevertheless, in May 2006, some Muslim critics accused the IPP of being "anti-Islam". Critics have also described Bakwata as being pro-government. The private sector dominates the Islamic media scene. Islamic radio stations have sprung up in urban centres, broadcasting in Swahili and blending a mainstream news agenda with coverage of Islamic issues and Koranic teaching. There are three Islamic radio stations - two of them in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam and a third in Morogoro, a town in the west. That number may rise as the broadcasting regulator, the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), offers more licences. In May 2006 Muslim investors were among the 20 applicants for new radio and television licences. One of them, the Muslim University of Morogoro, aimed to set up a radio station. The university was established in April 2006 and was the first of its kind in Tanzania. Another applicant, Islamic Voice Broadcasting, applied to set up a radio station in Arusha. There is no indication that these applications were successful. 1) Radio Sauti ya Quran (Radio Voice of Koran) Radio Sauti ya Quran launched on 26 November 2001. A June 2006 report by the broadcasting regulator states that Bakwata and the Mecca-based World Muslim Congress each own 50 per cent of the station. Radio Sauti ya Quran broadcasts in Swahili from Dar es Salaam on 102.0 MHz. The signal can be heard in Zanzibar. The radio's offices and studios are based at the Al-Haramain Islamic Secondary School, which is run by Bakwata and situated on Samora Avenue. Bakwata's shareholding used to be held by a local NGO, the Dar es Salaam Yemen Community for Charity and Culture (DYCCC), which was set up in 1998. The DYCCC bought the equipment, erected the station's transmitter mast at Kisarawe, on the outskirts of the capital, and paid employees. The Bakwata-DYCCC partnership ended in May 2006. Sources told BBCM that Bakwata had been uncomfortable with programmes that had criticized the authorities. The source said there was speculation that the government had a hand in the ownership change. The DYCCC says it pulled out of Radio Sauti ya Quran because the station did not represent the "true" views of local Muslims and did not cover pertinent Islamic issues. It is noteworthy that Radio Sauti ya Quran omitted material from local Islamic papers in its daily press review. The DYCCC was unhappy that Radio Sauti ya Quran did not broadcast a Friday sermon. Sources told BBCM that some local Muslims regard the station as a government propaganda tool. One Islamic leader, Shariff Junaid, in June 2004 warned Sauti ya Quran to "avoid defaming Muslims by saying they were disorganized". The station, added Junaid, should instead "concentrate on its core function which is to spread Islam and to give the correct picture of Islam". After the DYCCC's withdrawal, Radio Sauti ya Quran experienced financial difficulties, culminating in a strike over salary arrears in November 2006. Workers were sent home. Some were subsequently recalled; others were sacked. Bakwata has since set up a body known as Islamic Social Service Development (ISSD) to run the station. The ISSD's seven-member board is led by Shaykh Hassan Said Chizenga and is charged with raising funds for the station. Though the board was appointed by Bakwata, the station's management says Bakwata and ISSD are two distinct entities. Radio Sauti ya Quran's managing director is Juma Hemedi, a former Bakwata official. Sources told BBCM that 90 per cent of the station's budget comes from funds collected by ISSD. Most of these funds originate from donors in Dubai. The station has 10 presenters and producers. There are no reporters. The station used to broadcast a daily news bulletin at 0800 gmt but this was dropped because it was decided that the information was old. Reports had been sourced from local newspapers. Today, the station relays news from state-owned Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam (RTD). Officials say plans are under way to gather news from international Islamic sources and to translate it into Swahili. Radio Sauti ya Quran is on the air at 0300-1900 gmt (0600-2200 local time). Besides news bulletins from the state radio, Radio Sauti ya Quran airs programmes featuring Koranic recitations. The station does not carry any talk shows. 2) Radio Kheri (Radio Virtue) Radio Kheri launched on 3 January 2007 and broadcasts from Dar es Salaam on 104.1 MHz. Its signal can be heard in Zanzibar and in Tanga, near the Kenyan border. It broadcasts in Swahili and is jointly owned by the DYCCC and the Tanzania Hajj Trust. Its offices and studios are housed on the sixth floor of the DYCCC building on Dar es Salaam's Livingstone Street. The station's female director, Bibi Khadija, is a respected figure among local Muslims. Radio Kheri's launch had been planned for February 2001 but was delayed after the apparent theft of its original transmitter at the port of Dar es Salaam. The station shares the same transmitter tower as Bakwata's Radio Sauti ya Quran. Station officials say this arrangement has prompted Radio Kheri to "put on hold" broadcasts of political talk shows and current affairs programmes. Radio Kheri operates 12 hours daily, between 0300-1500 gmt, but aims to increase this to 18 hours. Programming is dominated by social issues. Station staff say the Masuala ya Jamii (Social Issues) programme is particularly popular. The station does not carry news bulletins, although it broadcasts a daily press review at 0700 gmt. It carries the Friday sermon at 0930 gmt from Dar es Salaam's Kichangani Mosque. Radio Kheri has ambitions to carry the sermon delivered from Magomeni mosque, the city's biggest mosque. The station has eight presenters and three support staff. Three of the presenters are former Radio Sauti ya Quran employees. 3) Radio Imaan or Radio Sauti ya Imani (Radio of the Faith/Radio Voice of the Faith) Radio Imaan, based in Morogoro, launched in November 2002 but was promptly shut down by the authorities in unexplained circumstances. Station officials speculated that Radio Imaan's competitors were behind the closure. It reopened in September 2003, broadcasting in Swahili on 96.0 MHz. Staff say the signal reaches the political capital Dodoma, parts of Dar es Salaam, Tanga in the northeast, Zanzibar, Manyara in the north and Mafia and Lindi in the southeast. The station's "high quality" transmitter is located on Bondwa Peak in the nearby Uluguru mountains. Radio Imaan is owned by the Islamic Foundation Morogoro, headed by Arif Mohamed Nahdi. The foundation says it aims to propagate Islam and to better Muslims' welfare. The station's motto is "Education Without Borders". Radio Imaan is based at Morogoro's Masjid al-Haki mosque, on Karume Street. The station has a well-equipped studio, an engineering room, a production room and two administrative offices. Radio Imaan has six male employees, including three presenters and presenters-cum- reporters. It gathers news from volunteer reporters across the country. Some reports are sourced from the internet. The station operates around the clock and carries news bulletins at 0400, 1400 and 1800 gmt. It offers a news update at 0700 gmt. BBCM observed that the station repeats its earlier programmes from 2100 gmt. Radio Imaan's managers say the station aims to steer clear of politics and to concentrate on social issues. Staff told BBCM that the station had dropped a Sunday talk show in which listeners called in to discuss international affairs. Most non-news broadcasts deal with Koranic teachings. Radio Imaan airs a phone-in programme on health, which staff describe as "successful". It carries a live broadcast of the Friday evening sermon from the Masjid al-Haki mosque. The station does not play any music. A presenter told BBCM that Radio Imaan had contemplated a partnership with the BBC's Swahili Service but had shelved the idea because of an inability to filter out musical content carried by the British broadcaster. Radio Imaan staff said Bakwata had rejected a request from the station to install a relay on Bakwata's transmission mast in Dar es Salaam, thus thwarting plans to expand broadcasts to the commercial capital. Staff said the broadcasting regulator appeared to be "backing" Bakwata by saying there were no more available frequencies in Dar es Salaam. The station is mulling satellite broadcasts and its staff talk of launching a sister television station, TV Sauti ya Imani, and a newspaper. Unlike most of its counterparts, Radio Imaan carries advertising. Commercials must adhere to the station's content rules. Source: BBC Monitoring research 07 Aug 07 (via DXLD) [sic, not Qur`an or Kor`an] ** U A E. Asianet Radio, UAE moves to 1539 kHz Dear Friends, According to a scrolling message on Asianet Satellite TV their MW Radio station in UAE "Asianet Radio" is changing frequency from 648 kHz to 1539 kHz from Wednesday 8 Aug 2007 as they are increasing transmitting power. However 1539 kHz is already used by VOA Urdu "Aap ki Duniya" also from UAE. So, wonder if VOA also will change the frequency? So look out on 1539 kHz. The web site of Asianet Radio is http://www.asianetglobal.com/?pg=showpage&page=radio (Jose Jacob, India, Aug 7, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This may be coördinated (well, 3 days off) with the R. Asia change from 1557 to 1269, as in 7-089. That`s another Malayalam station in the UAE, RAK to be specific. Could be a 3-way switch, involving VOA winding up on 1557? And what on 648? (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) ** U K. BIG BEN TO FALL SILENT FOR MAINTENANCE Eddie Mair, presenter of the PM programme on BBC Radio 4, reports that from Saturday 11th August for about a month, Big Ben will fall silent for maintenance work. He has been soliciting ideas for what should replace it on the BBC. So far there are about 200 comments on the PM website, some funny and some just silly. Many people don’t seem to realise that the broadcasts of Big Ben on the BBC are always live. Many years ago, I remember meeting a shortwave listener at a convention in the United States, and he was adamant that the BBC used a recording. 3 Responses to “Big Ben to fall silent for maintenance” Ray Woodward Says: August 7th, 2007 at 17:29 e I would assume it’ll simply be replaced by GTS whilst the maintainence is taking place. Gerry Says: August 7th, 2007 at 21:34 e Not necessarily the Greenwich Time Signal: when there were problems in past, I seem to remember they used a church clock elsewhere in London. Mr R. G Rose Says: August 8th, 2007 at 10:29 e The hour bell which was used by the BBC in the past when Big Ben was undergoing repair was Great Tom at St. Paul’s Cathedral : http://london.lovesguide.com/paul_cathedral.htm (Media Network blog via DXLD) Does Big Ben make any regular appearances on the World Service anymore? I honestly haven't heard it on any WS programming in years (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA, swprograms via DXLD) ** U S A. NICE IF DELANO COULD BE REPURPOSED LIKE DIXON Re CGC #802: "The International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) will stop shortwave broadcasting from Delano, California, at the end of October...." Another icon bites the dust. Dixon closed a long time ago but IIRC Globe Wireless and ARINC took over the station for their automated marine and aviation HF data service (Phil Kane, K2ASP, CGC Communicator Aug 6 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) see also U A E ** U S A [and non?]. VOA Spanish on 7370, Aug 8 at 1222, VG signal from Greenville but marred by occasional Spanish comments interjected. Unless it was a program feed problem, I suspect this was some 2-way SSB on exactly same frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. GEORGE MOORE: Update: See also obituary, http://www.hometownannapolis.com/cgi-bin/read/2007/08_06-10/FOR (Annapolis Capital, 6 August 2007. Posted: 07 Aug 2007 via kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** U S A. One year later, murder of Radio Free Asia general counsel still unsolved (updated). Lawyer for one of the townhouse occupants says: "It's simply unfair to these three men for anyone to make an allegation that they have not been cooperative in this investigation." http://www.nbc4.com/news/13834180/detail.html (WRC-TV, 6 August 2007 via kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) See also http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/06/AR2007080600773.html (Washington Post, 7 August 2007. Posted: 07 Aug 2007 via kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** U S A. WRMI: DX programs: see ECUADOR [non], SINGAPORE [non] ** U S A. WHRI: see LAOS [non] ** U S A. Re 7-091: New music show, "Bluegrass State of Mind," replaces Pab Subgenus Project Fridays at 2200 on 7415. The full WBCQ schedule for all services is online at http://www.zappahead.net/wbcq (Larry Will, MD, Aug 1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Leads to http://dannyhaller.com for this show, where we find he is a blind 5-string banjo player: DANNY HALLER'S RADIO SHOW --- "Hawkeye" Danny Haller's Radio Show "Bluegrass State of Mind" can now be heard weekly on Short Wave, starting Friday, July 27, 2007 on WBCQ 7415, and every Friday, at 6:00 p.m. (EST [sic] Eastern Standard Time.) Be sure to tune in and listen to ONE SOLID HOUR OF THE BEST IN TRADITIONAL BLUEGRASS - THE OLD LEGENDS - AND THE 'SOON TO BE' LEGENDS. DON'T MISS IT!! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!! (via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DXLD) ** U S A. WBCQ on all night on 7415 --- Was listening to gh's WoR #1369 on the 0415 UT Monday-morning WBCQ 7415 kHz airing 8/6/07 and left the radio on that frequency after it ended. Shortly thereafter, WoR #1368 was aired. A short gap of dead air ensued, and then #1369 began again. This continued all night long; it was still going when I awakened at 0630 UT, and was still there, tho far down in the noise, at sometime around 0900 UT, when I turned off the radio and returned to sleep. This alternating #s 1369 & 1368 all these hours sure increased Allan Weiner's "weekly average airings of gh" score; he should get a prize! :-) Maybe this makes up for WWCR's being off-air -- the total amount of DX-programmage aired on SW this weekend may have actually increased over the usual level. 73, (Will Martin, MO, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Scenario: previous and current show may have been put on opposite sides of a C-60, running on a deck with auto reverse; operator asleep or otherwise indisposed (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. Here's more on last week's frequency and call change in eastern MAINE: When WREM (710 Monticello) moved to 780 and changed calls to WCXH, it changed formats and operators as well. Owner Allan Weiner is now LMA'ing the signal to Canxus Broadcasting, which is using it to simulcast AC "Channel X Radio," already heard in the region on WCXU (97.7 Caribou), WCXX (102.3 Madawaska), and the new WCXV (98.1 Van Buren). Canxus will reportedly LMA Weiner's new 94.7 FM signal in Monticello as well, once it signs on, and we'd expect "Channel X" to move there (Scott Fybush, NE Radio Watch August 6 via DXLD) 780 = AM side of WBCQ ** U S A. K-LOVE'S STEALTHY PITTSBURGH RIMSHOT So there we were on Friday night, wearing our "editor of 100000watts.com" hat, plugging in call letter updates, when we noticed a new callsign - WKEL, for EMF's new signal in Confluence, PENNSYLVANIA. That was all well and good - except for one question: what new signal in Confluence, PA? Actually, there was a second question, too: where the heck is Confluence, PA? And a third: how did a new signal in an obscure western Pennsylvania town slip right past us? After a bit of frenzied digging, it turns out that the class A signal on 98.5 isn't a completely new facility after all - it's the infamous "Meyersdale FM" that went unclaimed in one round of FCC spectrum auctions, then went to EMF for $376,000 in another round of auctions back in January. It also turns out that, under the FCC's new rules for moving an FM allocation, it's going to be much easier for moves like this one to happen in the same stealthy way this one did, through a minor amendment to a pending application. In this particular case, it turns out that EMF filed the application way back in February, it was accepted in March, and was granted in late June. So where is Confluence, and why would EMF want to move an unbuilt station there from Meyersdale? It's a community of some 800 people, on the Youghiogheny River about 10 miles west of Meyersdale and 15 miles southeast of Uniontown - but the application calls for a transmitter site well to the northwest of Confluence, near Mill Run in Fayette County. By itself, the new WKEL won't even approach Pittsburgh rimshot status - it'll be nearly a 50-mile shot, on a channel that's first-adjacent to in-town WOGI (98.3 Carnegie). But it will put a decent signal over much of Fayette County, including Uniontown and Connellville, and it will eliminate the need for EMF to feed its chain of (as yet unbuilt) "K-Love" translators serving Pittsburgh from a primary station way down in Grafton, West Virginia. At the same time, EMF eliminates a big overlap that would have existed between the Meyersdale signal and its existing WLKH (97.7 Somerset), which already serves Johnstown and a big swath of territory to the south. But in the process, it's playing an interesting game. In order to take part in the auction for the "Meyersdale" frequency, EMF had to apply for a commercial license; an application for a new noncommercial license can only take place during a filing window, and the next window, coming this fall, will cover only the "reserved" portion of the dial, from 88.1-91.9. EMF tells the FCC it pledges to follow all the commercial rules, including building a main studio to serve Confluence. However, it also acknowledges that it has the right, at some later point, to change the station's status to noncommercial - which it will have to do in order to follow the rest of its usual game plan, including filing for the main-studio waiver that will make WKEL a satellite of KLVR in California and daisy-chaining the noncommercial translators that will bring the signal into Pittsburgh. It's all strictly within the letter of the rules, as is everything that EMF does, but it seems - to us, anyway - to stretch the spirit of the rules more than a little bit (Scott Fybush, NE Radio Watch August 6 via DXLD) What do you expect from these gospel huxters? (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. MORE COPPER VANISHES --- So I get a call about transmitter problems at KDYA 1190 kHz in Vallejo (days KDYA, nights KDIA 1640 kHz). Transmitter looked okay but saw high reflected power. Walked out to the tower. Problem obvious -- the ground system was gone! We are now replacing it with barbed wire (Bill Ruck, CA, CGC Communicator Aug 6 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) Metal theft the main subject of Sounds Like Canada, CBC Radio 1, August 8 (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. The latest news from KBRT(AM), and its recovery from the devastating Catalina Island wildfire, is located on page 1 of the following newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/357y7f (Local Oscillator of Crawford Broadcasting, CGC Communicator Aug 6 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. I seem to remember back in the 70's, KAAY [1090 Little Rock] was a rocker. They blasted into Chicago most nights! Anyone remember the Beeker Street Theater with all of the strange sound effects? It was kind of like FM Rock on AM! (Lester J Kleidon, SW Suburban Chicago, NRC-AM via DXLD) I absolutely remember it. I grew up in Rockford IL where WLS was king. I didn't have any desire to listen to anything else for entertainment. But one night when I was cruising the band for DX I stumbled on Beeker Street and was hooked. The Mighty Ten Ninety boomed into northern IL. They played long cuts compared to the 3 minute music limit on WLS. After that I listened to WLS in the early evening and switched to KAAY for late night. I understand that the program was kind of a fluke to fill time at night and was done from the backup studio at the transmitter site. The original DJs were the transmitter operators. The background sound effects were there to cover the blower noise from the nearby transmitter. I believe some form of Beeker Street still airs on an FM station in the area (Patrick Griffith, Westminster CO, ibid.) ** VANUATU [and non]. 3945, 0934 01/08, R. Vanuatu, Porto Vila EE mv tlks; mx 22322. Trecho desta escuta 119 kbt, 30 segundos: : http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/eefibra/r.vanuatu3945khz0934utc010807.mp3 Música é um detalhe que pode ajudar na identificação de uma emissora; as emissoras ouvidas do Pacífico (de Vanuatu e PNG) neste e no ano passado, possuem bons espaços musicais (ao menos nestes horários em que são audíveis por aqui, no nosso amanhecer e no anoitecer deles). A R. New Ireland de PNG, toca muito musica pop em geral, mas especialmente este tipo de musica que pode ser ouvido um pequeno trecho: http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/eefibra/r.new.ireland3905khz0955utc010807.mp3 É parecido com reggae, em inglês; é o que predomina nesta emissora. A R. Vanuatu é mais interessante pois intercalando musica pop internacional, toca grupos musicais de vários países da região; lembro-me que em certa ocasião, a locutora anunciou uma música de Timor Leste. Geralmente estas músicas "locais" são um coro que canta o refrão e uma voz masculina solo fazendo o restante, geralmente em inglês. Certas músicas são muito bonitas; algumas tem algo pop, não parecem tão "locais" assim. Exemplo típico pode ser ouvido neste trecho, em escuta de agosto do ano passado: http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/eefibra/r.vanuatu3945khz.040806.0920utc.mp3 Infelizmente as escutas de Vanuatu estão precárias este ano, contrariando 2006 (LÚCIO OTÁVIO BOBROWIEC, EMBU-SP BRASIL, RX: SONY ICF SW40, DIPOLO 18M E 32M EM OC E OT, @tividade DX August 5 via DXLD) ** VENZUELA. EDUCATIVA, LA EMISORA DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN... Hola Glenn, Saludos desde Catia La Mar, VENEZUELA. Desde hace un año, la frecuencia de OM de Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 1050 kHz, es ocupada por la estación Radio Educativa, la emisora del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación. La radio se halla en las instalaciones del citado organismo, ubicadas en el centro de la ciudad de Caracas. Radio Educativa fue captada el 03/08 a las 1713 UT, con música pop juvenil y la canción de Rubén Blades "El tema de Adán García". SINPO 5/5. Según información suministrada por el operador de la radio, el señor Neptalí Gómez, el canal RNV que ocupada dicha frecuencia fue mudado a los 103.9 MHz, de la modulación de frecuencia (FM). La grilla de programación de Radio Educativa es variada: música pop, salsa y espacios informativos. La legendaria Radio 1070 (1170 kHz), pionera del Estado Vargas, se encuentra la mayoría del tiempo fuera del aire. Ahora se identifica como Radio Bolivariana. 73s y buen DX (Adán González, Catia La Mar, Estado Vargas, VENEZUELA, August 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA [non]. Sometimes RNV Canal Internacional via Cuba is current, but not on Aug 8: at 1137 their `Efemérides` feature (this day in history) was about July 31! Including the CIA`s role in the plane crash death of Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos in 1981. Audio was somewhat distorted on 6060 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZANZIBAR. Excellent reception noted here in England, of the relay of Spice FM from Zanzibar, on 11735, at 1800 UT. SINPO was 45444, with excellent audio, too. Best Regards (Christopher Lewis, UK, Aug 6, WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE. 6045, ZBC presumed at 2330-2345 UT Aug. 8, with African songs and 2 OM's talking in likely Shona. Fair signal but strong adjacent QRM from CRI on 6050, and Gospel for Asia on 6040 kHz. ZBC seemed off-frequency around 6045.8 kHz (José Turner, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1610, digital hash station; 0128+ 7 August, 2007. Approximate frequency, again here. Fair level over and under the Tampa International Airport TIS (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I have been saddened by the downsizing of SW. I know you probably are too. This VOA mothballing is another sign that SW is not deemed to be important, even though it remains a viable medium. Thanks for all your reports over the years. 73, (Daniel D. Brown, W1DAN) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ BES Review Jan-Mar 2007 edition Jan-Mar 2007 edition of "BES Review" quarterly publication of BESI (Broadcasting Engineering Society, India) containing articles on latest developments in the field of broadcasting and related science is available for download from : Click on the link below to download Jan-Mar 2007 issue (2.82 mb) http://www.besindia.com/Jan-Mar2007.pdf Contains an interesting article on DRM by Peter Jackson. Regards, (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, DX LISTENING DIGEST) SSTV RECEPTION All the interested people can see some pictures about recently SSTV receptions on 20 and 15 Meters: DL1PR, ARS Erftstadt, GERMANY EU8RZ, ARS GOMEL, BELARUS OK2WMC, ARS OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC G0CWC, ARS WARLEY, WEST MIDS, U.K. UT5UDX, ARS KIEC, UKRAINE YU1NR, ARS KRAGUJEVAC, SERBIA VE5KC, ARS BATTLEFORD, SK, CANADA DG5NW, ARS HERSBRUCK, GERMANY OK2CPG, ARS CZECH REPUBLIC DL0DLH, LUFHANSA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB UR4EYN, CLUB STATION ORDZHONIKIDZE, UKRAINE GB6RH, SPECIAL CALL SCOUT CAMP. SHERWOOD FOREST, U.K. All available on http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com/ 73's (Francesco Cecconi, Aug 7, playdx yg via DXLD) QRN on most (gh) LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ HOW DO YOU SAY NYE IN SPANISH? A great and fun way to brush up your Spanish is ``Bill, El Científico``, yes, ``Bill Nye, the Science Guy`` episodes which have now been dubbed into Spanish, and just rescheduled on Univisión, Saturdays 14-15 UT. Especially if you have closed captioning to go with it (but no English). And a VCR which does not lose the CC, as one of mine does! Both the dubbing (Bill Nye: Alfonso Obregón) and captioning (translation: Antonio Carbajal) are first-rate. From KCTS Seattle via Buena Vista (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) SPANGLISH; BRITISH CLASS I spent two years at IBB (OK, VOA) Delano and observed the local usage. Delano is some 55% Mexican (by Mexican I mean those who have crossed the border to get their wealth and return to Mexico). I do NOT mean "Chicanos," who are born here and maybe go to Mexico to visit relatives and/or shop. Chicanos speak G.E. and Mexican Spanish, and are able to alternate within a sentence. I have no objection to that. In fact, I was working on my Spanish to the point where I could alternate or change within a sentence like they did. It could be considered "tragic" within my viewpoint that I got cancer and now can't speak any language at all. Well, actually, it's ironic and I say humorous because I used to talk too much. Really. THAT problem is solved! hi. It has been remarked that those who speak British English gain maybe 20 points of IQ in the mind of the American listener. In my mind, those who speak Caribbean English gain 10 - 15 points and gain a real charm in my world view. I still have some vestiges of Midwestern English (i.e., Cornbelt English). Clear enough now? Now I don't talk too much, I WRITE too much (Charles A Taylor, WD4INP, Greenville, North Carolina, ABDX via DXLD) One of my good friends can do that. It always cracks me up to hear him on the phone with one of his family. He'll be speaking perfectly accented Spanish, which is way too fast for me to follow, and then shift for two or three words to perfectly Californian accented English, and then right back into Spanish. My reference to Spanglish actually came from him. I was using some tapes to try to learn Spanish and proudly recited to him my most recent phrase, which was asking where one could rent a car and used the word "alquilar". (Spelling is probably off. These were spoken Spanish lessons with little emphasis on reading or writing. [no, that is correct --- gh]) He asked what "alquilar" meant. I said I thought it was supposed to mean "to rent". He said, "Oh, I'd have used 'rentar'." He said everybody he knew would do that when they didn't know the Spanish word for something, they'd just conjugate the English word as though it was Spanish. Some day the world is going to end up speaking some English/ Spanish/ Chinese hybrid language. Except for the French. They'll zealously ensure their language isn't corrupted. I think it depends on the particular British accent. If it's one of the more working class accents, the opposite is true for me. When they start in with the Cockney rhyming slang, my understanding drops about as fast as my assessment of their IQ. Maybe that accent thing is why people think so highly of the BBC World Service (Jay Heyl, FL, ibid.) ON THE WEB, ENGLISH BECOMES COIN OF THE REALM Sites Translate Content In Hopes of Attracting Global Advertising By MAX COLCHESTER and AARON O. PATRICK August 6, 2007; Page B3 The Internet may be a global platform, but when it comes to advertising, one language speaks louder than others: English. A number of European newspapers and content providers have come to that conclusion as they try to position themselves to get a bigger slice of the Internet advertising pie. As print advertising slips, newspapers are increasingly leaning on their Web sites to make up the difference. To maximize ad revenue, these sites must try to draw global interest. Some European news sites are taking note, trying to grab attention from readers and advertisers world-wide by producing more content in English. . . http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118635395757288674.html (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) WHAT BUGS ME Monday, August 6, 2007; B03 Life is full of little annoyances. Sometimes they are of the two- legged variety. Often they are faceless institutions, dubious policies or things that just refuse to work right. Here are a few of them: Gratuitous Expressions of Gratitude: No, Thanks . . . http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/05/AR2007080501497_pf.html (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) DX-PEDITIONS ++++++++++++ "DX Clams" DXpedition webpages This year's "DX Clams" (Rockport, MA, USA) DXpedition report with pictures, logs, and commentary has been assembled by Bruce Conti and is hosted by the Boston Area DXers chapter of NASWA. It can be viewed at the following link: http://www.naswa.net/badx/dxclams07.htm For the 2006 report, see: http://www.naswa.net/badx/dxclams.htm For the 2005 report with maps of the site and links to all previous reports: http://home.comcast.net/~dx_lab/dx_clams_2005.htm (Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA, Aug 7, HCDX via DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ HF radar, Commonweal HFR site 37 54 46.79 N 122 43 46.07 W Site of Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program High-Frequency Radar (HFR). This system works in conjunction with several other HFRs along the coast to provide ocean surface current vectors off the California Coast. Data is posted to the web on http://www.cencoos.org and http://www.norcalcurrents.org (local), (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX July 31 via DXLD) EARLY AIRBORNE TV EXPERIMENTS The August issue of Air & Space magazine has an interesting one-page story titled Broadcast Bomber. It is about the 2nd phase of the experimental Westinghouse Stratovision airborne television transmissions conducted from a B-29 over Pittsburgh in 1948. It was used to broadcast the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia to a 9 state area around Pittsburgh on channel 6. From 25,000 feet it had a coverage area of 525 miles using a 5 kW transmitter for video and 1 kW for audio. The antenna extended 28 feet from the belly of the aircraft and consisted of a 2 element turnstile for video and a 1 element circular dipole for audio. It was a direct (live) relay of signals received from WMAR-TV in Baltimore. The article includes a black and white airborne photo of the aircraft with the transmitting antenna extended. Westinghouse originally intended to develop this project into a nationwide network of airborne transmitters providing TV & FM coverage to 78% of the population using 14 aircraft. However, the FCC delayed approval of the system citing potential interference issues. By 1949 AT&T had setup a long distance coaxial network providing an audio/video connection from the East Coast to the Midwest. This effectively eliminated the need for Stratovision and in 1950 Westinghouse dropped the idea (Patrick Griffith, Westminster CO, Broadcast Technician, NRC Broadcasting - Denver, http://community.webtv.net/N0NNK/ http://community.webtv.net/AM-DXer/ IRCA via DXLD) Let's see if they publish my letter to the editor pointing out that Stratovision didn't die after 1950, but was resurrected a decade later for the "MPATI" airborne educational TV experiments, which were conducted almost directly overhead from where I'm sitting at the moment in northeastern Indiana... s (Scott Fybush, NY, ibid.) Scott, I was wondering if anyone would remember and mention MPATI. I was going to mention it, and the airborne TV transmissions conducted by the U.S. Navy over Viet Nam, in my original message. But I cut it out at the last minute for brevity. I recall that MPATI was somehow connected to Purdue University. I remember trying repeatedly to DX their signals from my QTH in northern IL in the 60s. As I recall they were operating on 2 of the upper UHF channels, possibly 72 and 76, and were broadcasting educational content. I never did receive even a glimpse of signal from them. All of our hometown TV stations were north of us so our outdoor TV antenna did not need a rotor. Each time I tried to DX MPATI I had to physically rotate our antenna to the southeast which my parents didn't seem to appreciate (Patrick Griffith, Westminster CO, ibid.) Who else remembers the Carl and Jerry series that ran in Popular Electronics many years ago. These were short fiction stories that were intended to teach some basic electronic principle as well as being fun to read. Anyhow one was about the MPATI airborne educational TV experiments, and can be found at http://home.gwi.net/~jdebell/pe/cj/v20-2.htm None of the stories were about medium wave DX as far as I know... 73, (Deane McIntyre, VE6BPO, NRC-AM via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING DRM: see BRAZIL; GERMANY; KUWAIT; PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++++++++++ SANGEAN DRM40 NOT BEING RELEASED THIS YEAR http://www.drmrx.org/forum/showpost.php?p=40618&postcount=5 Two nice mails from Sangean: Number One: "Is Sangean going to display the DRM-40 at the IFA? Hi, Douglas. We won't display DRM 40 at the IFA this time. Market and receiver performance are both the issues. Best Regards, Albert, Sangean Taiwan And Number Two: "But the radio will be on the market this year?!" Hi, Douglas. No, the receiver won't be on the market this year due to market and receiver performance issues. Best Regards, Albert __________________ (drmdab, RX: Digital World Traveller http://www.dxaktuell.de Aug 7, DRM Software Radio Forums, via Mike Barraclough, dxldyg via DXLD) SO WHERE ARE THE INEXPENSIVE DTV CONVERTER BOXES? Regarding the February 18, 2009 switchover to DTV, where are the DTV converter boxes the government keeps talking about? I see units like the Motorola DCH200 mentioned in various forums, but try to easily find one? And when you do -- even with the $40 coupon -- you will still be spending a lot more than the $10 net the government estimates. I tried to find a list of converter boxes and who was making them. Googled for several hours and came up with two units -- one by Phillips and the other the elusive Motorola unit. That's it. (I looked at places like Sears.com, Circuit City.com, B&H Photo Video (which is selling the Key-Digital set-top box for a cool $1,250), Best Buy (only has a Samsung tuner at $279 that outputs only HDMI - HDCP or baseband - no RF out)...etc. Found none of the low priced units Uncle Sam says are out there. So I went out and tried to buy one. Walked in from the street to several retailers. None of the sales people even knew what I was talking about. Some did not even know there was digital TV! Apparently the consumer industry is not interested in selling no- profit converters when they can make a lot of big $$$$ selling new TVs. So, where are the $50 digital-to-analog boxes the government says will cost $10 net? I can't find any! Can you? (Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, Amateur Radio Newsline newsline (at) arnewsline.org, CGC Communicator Aug 6, via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) This has already been answered somewhere, by Doug Smith? Thinking is that there will be a big campaign about the rebates as the date draws nearer (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) EDUCATE CONSUMERS RE DTV Whose decision was it to turn off analog TV? Who generated the regulations mandating inclusion of DTV tuners in 15.117? Who established the switchover deadline? It is in the best business interests of the TV receiver manufacturers and retailers to jump in [and educate consumers about the 2009 DTV cutover]. Maybe retailers should put huge banners in their stores and notifications in their ads and catalogs. In any event, it seems the Feds, again, are abrogating their responsibility. After all, it wasn't the broadcaster's fiat that will make obsolete hundreds of millions of TVs, VCRs and camcorders. Still steaming! (Assistant TV CE, Los Angeles, CGC Communicator Aug 6, via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ OUR EXCLUSIVE AND NOT COPYRIGHTED HF PLUS LOW AND VHF PROPAGATION UPDATE AND FORECAST One single solar active region on sight; it has already produced class B and C flares and scientists predict that more are possible. Solar activity has continued to be at very low levels, with solar flux barely moving above 70 units. The effects of a high speed solar wind are now subsiding, and the geomagnetic field is expected to be back to normal when you are hearing this program. The all over darkness path from the Caribbean to Australia is providing excellent reception of short wave stations during the local time period here extending from about one o clock in the morning, that is zero five hours UT until a few minutes after local sunrise. It is certainly a very interesting propagation path that radio amateur have enjoyed for 40 meters band contacts at this time of solar minimum activity (Arnie Coro, CO2KK, RHC DXers Unlimited Aug 7, HCDX via DXLD) The geomagnetic field was at quiet to active levels on 30 July. Activity decreased to quiet to unsettled levels on 31 July. Quiet to active levels occurred on 01 August. Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed during the rest of the period. ACE solar wind data indicated the 30 July and 01 August activity was due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed wind stream. Solar wind velocities were elevated during 30 July - 03 August with a peak velocity of 679 km/sec at 01/1839 UTC. IMF Bt reached a peak of 9.1 nT at 01/1055 UTC while IMF Bz reached a minimum of -6.9 nT at 01/1233 UTC during the disturbance. The high-speed stream subsided on 04 August. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 08 AUGUST - 03 SEPTEMBER 2007 Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels during 12 - 15 August and 28 August – 01 September. The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels during 08 - 09 August. A recurrent coronal high-speed stream is expected to disturb the field during 10 - 11 August with unsettled to minor storm levels expected. Activity is expected to decrease to mostly quiet levels during 12 - 15 August. Active periods are expected during 16 - 17 August as another recurrent high-speed stream affects the field. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected during 18 - 24 August. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to active levels on 25 August due to another recurrent coronal hole high-speed stream. Quiet to unsettled levels are expected during 26 August - 02 September. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled to minor storm levels on 03 September as another recurrent high-speed stream disturbs the field. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2007 Aug 07 2253 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2007 Aug 07 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2007 Aug 08 70 10 3 2007 Aug 09 70 10 3 2007 Aug 10 70 25 5 2007 Aug 11 70 15 4 2007 Aug 12 70 5 2 2007 Aug 13 70 5 2 2007 Aug 14 70 5 2 2007 Aug 15 70 5 2 2007 Aug 16 65 12 4 2007 Aug 17 65 12 4 2007 Aug 18 65 5 2 2007 Aug 19 65 5 2 2007 Aug 20 65 5 2 2007 Aug 21 70 5 2 2007 Aug 22 70 10 3 2007 Aug 23 70 8 3 2007 Aug 24 70 5 2 2007 Aug 25 70 15 4 2007 Aug 26 70 10 3 2007 Aug 27 70 8 3 2007 Aug 28 70 10 3 2007 Aug 29 70 5 2 2007 Aug 30 70 5 2 2007 Aug 31 70 5 2 2007 Sep 01 70 5 2 2007 Sep 02 70 5 2 2007 Sep 03 70 20 5 (http://www.sec.noaa.gov/radio via WORLD OF RADIO 1370, DXLD) ###